How is our Internal Quality Score (IQS) calculated?
IQS is the average of all of your reviews and is expressed as a percentage.
IQS = (review_score1 + review_score2...) / (number of reviews) * 100
Your customer support tickets are reviewed using your QA scorecard where you define custom categories by which to rate your tickets. In order to fully understand IQS you must first understand how category and review scores are calculated.
Calculate category score
When you set up your QA scorecard you define your own custom categories. You decide the point scale for each category and this scale is used to determine the category score for an interaction.
Category score = (score_selected - scale_minimum) / (scale_max - scale_minimum) * 100
The image shows examples of how different point scales would be calculated:
Calculate review score
Each category on your QA scorecard has a weight. To get the review score for an interaction, you multiply each category's score by its weight and then divide by the sum of the weights.
Review score =(category1_score * category1_weight + category2_score * category2_weight...) / (category1_weight + category2_weight...)
For more information on setting up rating categories, see the following article: Rating categories tips.