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Create report from two different datasets


Publicado 25 sept 2020

I would like the ability to create a query using metrics from two different datasets. For example, creating a query for tickets with Knowledge Capture activity (Guide dataset) compared to total tickets created (Support dataset).



41 comentarios


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for sharing your feedback and use cases.

The ability to join different types of data is definitely on our radar. We are looking into the ways how to fit this functionality into Explore. However, active implementation of this functionality is not on our immediate roadmap. We will share more details as soon as we will be ready to start working on this feature.

Please continue sharing your thoughts and vote for this feature if it is important for your team.




I would love to see it too


I would like to be able to report on linked article tickets where the link is private or public. 


Strongly agree, joining datasets would solve so many problems for us! For example, we want to report on SLA by channel: emails (in-built SLAs), phone calls and chats (custom metrics built on the first reply time thresholds). Creating one query for all these metrics is easy and natural in Insights - and absolutely not possible in Explore. Would love to see an ETA on this.


Yes it would help in agent metrics and KPI for time tracking.


Absolutely, same here!


+1 This would be amazing to see for our Team Leaders who currently have to build multiple queries just to capture a few metrics from different datasets.


+1, agree with Alina!


100% - this is critical for our reporting to get a full view of customer interactions across support, chat, and talk, and individual queries in a dashboard aren't enough to solve our use case.


Same here.

I select for each incoming call a reason why they contacted us... from a dropdown menu (custom ticket field created in Zendesk)

The same i do for the emails we receive.

Now i would like to see the percentages of all the reasons customers contact us; using both talk dataset and suppport dataset in one querry.
Now i have to make two seperate querries, one using the call data; the other querry using only the email (support)dataset...


strongly agreed. For example to connect Chat and Tickets


Agreed this would be very helpful! 


We have a similar post that needs multiple datasets in order to get the data we need: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4413823614234-Ability-to-see-internal-and-externally-posted-articles

Currently linking history and currently published articles are 2 datasets. In other words, you are not able to see the articles that have not been linked as it requires there to be previous linking to show up in the KCapp linking dataset. As well, the KCapp also shows ALL articles that were linked, which includes archived articles, or external articles.

The ability to filter this data are in different datasets so we are only able to get a partial picture as to how helpful our knowledgebase is for our Agents



This feature would be really helpful.


Add me to the list that would like to see this happen.


+1!! This is not just something that would be nice to have. This is something that is absolutely necessary!! It's so basic that I can't comprehend how this is not possible to do right now, when it was so easy before when we had Insights!


I agree, this is a critical feature that would be very useful.


Totally agree, this is a critical feature and is preventing us from creating efficient reporting processes internally.  This coupled with no Explore API leaves us hand-tied to properly manage performance.  Unusual for an enterprise level tool such as this and not something we were made aware of when buying the tool!


Why not just get rid of datasets and allow us to report across the entire DB?  My guess is the reason why is for "performance reasons" which seems to drive alot of architectural decisions and making things harder for end users 


bill cicchetti - it's likely because each of these Zendesk systems are independent applications that are loosely-coupled. For instance, Zendesk Chat used to be an application called Zopim, so it has its own database. It would take massive refactoring to combine these datasets. We solve this problem in our reporting by using Domo, which allows us to combine data from multiple sources using their ETL tools.


PAUL STRAUSS  That's understandable. I was referring mainly to the main support ticket forms with the Org and User info.  Its frustrating for example when you want backlog info with some ticket volume data and they have to be on two reports.  Don't get me started with limit reporting options for orgs and users. ;)


Eugene Orman

I am creating a consolidated explore report for my ticket information and breach SLA report together. unfortunately, I cannot able to connect two datasets to link in one report. currently, I am using two reports and I wish to add this option in explore report to link all datasets together. Please let us know the timeline. Thank you


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

bill cicchetti, it looks like you have troubles with reporting on orgs and users. This article is a good source of truth and ideas about what is currently possible to achieve in Explore: Reporting on user and organization data with Explore

Regarding the separate datasets vs one joined data model. Normally, Explore datasets provide all necessary data within them. For example, Chat and Talk datasets have the ticket and user fields associated with them. Other datasets like Backlog history or Article history are pre-aggregated on daily or hourly bases. So, joining them with any other data sustainably is impossible.

To summarise, here are the reasons why we use separate datasets: 

  • Simple to use for an average user (no need to think about the table joins)
  • Generating miscalculated results is less common
  • Better performance (fewer table joins allowed)

However, I agree that for some scenarios is helpful to join different types of data based on the time attributes or other common data points. This is the use case we are looking forward to enabling in the future. Unfortunately, we are possibly a few years away from starting this work.


Comparing metrics from Guide and Support datasets is essential, as it would give much more info on how effective the Help Center is.

It would give insights, for example, on which searches yielded no answers and the user ended up opening a ticket because of it. Knowing what was searched and how the agent handled the customer's question and use that answer to improve the help center content would be of great value.

As of today, there is no way to link such a search with the opened ticket :(


I strongly agree!!
It is very valuable to be able to see how agents respond to customer questions and use those responses to improve the content of the Help Center.
Please add me to the list.


If anyone is interested in this feature we can provide custom real-time reports integrated in Zendesk using Zendesk API so we can cross any data source, including search, column sorting, excel download or excel periodic mailings.

Here’s an example showing real SLA when different agents interact with the same ticket, since this is not possible in Zendesk Explore.


We would like to try that API without cost if possible!!


We can not make a custom dashboard via API without cost, our work has a value. If you are stil interested we can define the details.


You don't need create a custom API, but I would like to see it modified so that we can create our own.We are very excited about Zendesk.


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