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Zendesk Support REST API - missing examples, proposed additional features

Publication le 21 déc. 2022

While importing tickets from another Zendesk into my new account, I sorely missed examples in the API documentation for the following cases:

  • Ticket Import API: A sequence - what do you do when, which steps are dependent on others
  • Ticket Import API: Attachment import for tickets to be imported
  • Attachments or Ticket Comments API: An example on how to find and create inline attachments (i.e., screenshots in a ticket body)
  • Ticket Import API: An example including the import of a complete ticket with several comments, attachments inline and attached to the end, etc. etc.
  • Some general information outlining limitations of the API regarding import of merged tickets.
  • An API to reserve a ticket's ID which will be imported in the future, and an extension to the import API to allow to set the previously reserved ticket ID. Use case: import of merged tickets.
    I know, migration from ZD to ZD might not be the main business.



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