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Improve bulk deleting of media in Guide

Publication le 13 nov. 2023

Feedback for improvement on the bulk deleting of media feature:

  • The new feature is good, but it would be better if the system can identify which media are not used in help articles. It is a bit tedious to click the media one by one to figure out the media is being used or not.
  • In addition to Your media, all media, it would be nice to have additional menu that stores all the media that are not being used in any of the articles (possibly, 2 menu for your media and all media so that can specify).
  • It would be nice to have a filter who upload and can search based on the uploader.
  • It would be nice to delete more than 30 media at once (maybe 100 at once similar to Zendesk Support?) for users who have more media in help articles.

Announcement of the feature:



1 commentaire

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Katarzyna Karpinska

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Miki Kanomata

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We are planning to keep improving Media library and we'll definitely take it into consideration.


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