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Add 'Remove cc' trigger/automation action

Data ultimo post: 13 feb 2012

Dear Zendesk

It would be great to have a bit more control over 'cc' functionality via triggers.  In addition to being able to specify end users as cc on tickets via triggers (https://support.zendesk.com/entries/71421-add-cc-as-trigger-automation-action), please could you add a new trigger action 'remove cc'?

(Business case: allow the agent to send a one-off notification to another user, allowing them to add a on-time private comment to the ticket, but not copy them in on all future correspondence on a ticket.  In the interests of streamlining agent workflow as much as possible, I'd like to automate this process.)




187 commenti

It would REALLY help if I could add a cc of my choice to tickets via triggers...   This is now nearly 2 years since this topic has been updated by a rep... I need to cc and email specific individuals, vendors, sales reps, etc when tickets fields are set to certain values.  This is pretty important to us getting timely responses to our clients.


Does anyone here know if freshdesk has this kind of functionality?  I have seen them pop up a few times because some said they have more options....   Has anyone tried it out?






As our agents or managers change accounts/roles, removing/adding them from CC is critical.


Our zendesk is now unwieldy and not working for us









We're creating a specific e-mail trigger to communicate with our IT department and need to educate all our agents not to CC them anymore. Being able to remove the address from the CC field through that same trigger would secure the whole thing 


@Tj : Adding CC through triggers is already possible for us in Zendesk. Only removing them is currently not supported.


+1 Any sign on when this may/may not be implemented?


Make it so we can remove CC's for multiple options

  • Remove specific users

  • Remove specific agents

  • Remove All

  • Remove specific Groups/Teams

  • Etc ...


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Hello team, just finding this an increasing issue at the moment.  The challenge we have is that we have a few different support addresses, and users are emailing one and CCing the others, thus creating a ticket in their name, and then CC ourselves and creating suspended tickets and a general mess.

Any idea how we can address this?


We would also like to see this implemented.  Our use case is that we have certain agents who specialize in something, say cell phone ordering, and get CCd by our end users when those end users email in a request to replace a cell phone.  That works fine until the agent moves on to specialize in something else.  When that happens, we would like to be able to automatically remove that agent from the cc field on tickets.  We would trigger this action when the topic (one of our custom fields) gets set to that specialty.


Another option I'd like:

  • Remove All Except 


Even though we have the option selected to allow only Agents to add CCs, customers sometimes still manage to.  Being able to strip those off, while retaining the CCs we have added, would be lovely.


+1 PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone from Zendesk is reading this, consider what happens when a contact emails TWO support desks - they can both be Zendesk or other providers.

Without the ability to automate the removal of CC:'s, a firestorm of automated helpdesk emails is started which will result in creating at least one - but maybe more duplicate tickets as the Zendesk "Thank you for your ticket" email generates a ticket and a response from the other helpdesk which in turn raises another Zendesk ticket. Any replies generate more tickets and the whole thing becomes an unwieldy mess.

All we need is a "Remove CC:" option which would allow us to enter a known email address to remove - consistently - from all replies. We can enter several options here. At least that will go a long way to alleviating the ensuing email & support ticket firestorm for us and many of the commenters on this post.

Please Zendesk, listen to us!




In 12 days it will be one year since I "voted" on this topic and not once has Zendesk responded to any feedback since that time.  Can someone at Zendesk please acknowledge our concerns and request?


I would also like to see this feature added to ZD agent interface


Just returned from solving a mess created by a customer CCing some Senior Management guys. These CCs could have been stripped off if this trigger were available to us. 

Please Zendesk add this soon.



Can we remove all CC as an automation?

is there any way to blacklist certain addresses so they never receive replies (mainly because they are CC: on an incoming email))?



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ZZ Graeme Carmichael

Community Moderator

Donald, you cannot remove all CCs using a trigger or automation. You can blacklist specific email addresses from being CCed under settings > Tickets.



No i cannpot blaklist specific emails as these addresses are within my domain.  It would be great to remove this extra filter on blacklisting.








My use case is that I need to be able to remove both light and full agents from the CC field in certain scenarios. A text field similar to the 'remove tags' option would be great, but even a drop-down with a list of agents (both light and full) would be beneficial.


We recently rolled out Zendesk in our environment and some users are already annoyed that they are getting copied on ticket updates. We implemented a middleware approval system that will automatically request approvals for certain types of tickets. Sometimes multiple approvals are required. Approvals are processed when the approver responds to our automated approval emails with #approved or #denied. This response goes into the ticket comments and adds the approver to the CC list. But they generally don't want/need to be notified about additional ticket updates.

After getting complaints, I looked for a way to remove folks from the CC list (or prevent them from getting added). Like the rest of you here, I quickly discovered there is no way to do this in an automated fashion. I, too, am confused why Zendesk has not provided a solution to this. It seems like a simple enough thing to add to trigger/automation actions at the very least. A simple "remove all users in the CC list" would be a start.




We just started implementing Zendesk in our Customerdesk and I'm currently setting up the basis workflow, triggers and macro's. We will be the only department working directly with Zendesk. All other departments will be subscribed as Light Agent, since they only need to add internal information that the Full Agent (customerdesk) asked about.

I created macro's and triggers that automaticly add the others departments to the CC so the Zendesk Agent has an easy way asking questions to the right person. The Light Agent then just replies to the sent email, which inserts the internal comment and changes the ticket status.

Here I encountered the same problem as the others in the topic: "Why isn't there any option to remove this Light Agent from the CC via triggers? "

These Light Agents only have to respond to the question from the Full Agent. After that it's back to a 1-on-1 between the Full Agent and the customer. Our other departments don't want to remain in the CC of this ticket. They don't want to keep receiving other updates from the ticket, since it will be concidered nothing more that spam to them.

Removing the CC manualy after the answer has been given, just askes for problems. Agents want an easy workflow and no special exeptions.


So please Zendesk, add this simple, yet efficient feature!



We have the same need that you do in that we need to be able to ask somebody a one-time question and then not bombard them with all of the ticket updates afterward. Here's how I implemented this in our system:

  1. Create MACRO that adds 'tag1' to the ticket. (our macro actually places the question in the comment as well, but yours wouldn't have to)
  2. Create TRIGGER that only fires if 'tag1' is present on a ticket when it's updated
  3. The TRIGGER sends an email notification to a specific Light Agent and includes the ticket comments (using {{ticket.comments_formatted}})
  4. The TRIGGER also removes 'tag1' (ours adds 'tag2' as well so we can keep track of the ticket, but yours wouldn't have to)
  5. When the Light Agent responds, their comment is added as an Internal Note on the ticket. Because they were never added as a CC, they won't be stuck receiving future updates



I tried this the first time while experimenting with the triggers and macros, but for some reason the light agents still ended up being in the CC. I might have made a mistake back then, cause today the same setup seems to work properly.

So thanks for the suggestion :)



Its been a while, but I wanted to +1 this as well.  Ability to turn off sending of CC's from triggers.  Based on trigger conditions, we can prevent an e-mail from being sent for requestors and/or assignees.  But for cc's, its all or nothing.  We have certain groups of tickets that we want to prevent e-mail being sent completely.  So the customer is forced to use the web interface to update messages.  


We would also like to be able to selectively remove cc's from the list.  Our specific use case relates to tickets that are chargeable.  For most of customers we ask the ticket requester to approve the charges before proceeding, so no issue there with cc's.  However for a couple of our customers, we send an email to a nominated set of authorisers at the customer end (email is sent via an external notification).  When the authoriser responds to the email, they get added automatically as a cc but they don't want to be copied on details of the ticket as it proceeds, so being able to remove them from the cc list would be very helpful. 

As an alternative, being able to  stop them from being added to the cc list would satisfy our requirement.

Kind regards


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