

Zendesk always popup in new tab from window.open()



CTI in our telephony system, use window.open() to pop-up to zendesk ticket page after agent received a call because Zendesk does not allow iframe to Zendesk.

But even we specified a window name in window.open(), Zendesk would always popup in new tab for each call. So we've got a lot of tab of Zendesk in browser.

Any suggestion to solve this problem?
How CTI can popup to Zendesk in same tab for every calls?

Thank you very much.




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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Niyom! Welcome to the Community!

Do you mean that they're opening in new browser tabs, or in new tabs in the agent interface?

If they're browser tabs (and you're using Chrome), check out Zendesk Quicktab. It's an extension that will detect Zendesk URLs with /agent and merge them with the existing tab where Zendesk is already open. It makes life MUCH easier!


It seems Quicktab is no longer an available extension in the Webstore. When following the link I just get "The requested URL was not found on this server. That's all we know." 

I do already have the extension installed and it is still working but we are unable to have our new hires install the extension. Is something coming out to replace Quicktab or is there a bug currently?

Thanks in advance!


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Bridget - 

Google removed Quicktab from the Webstore. We're still trying to figure out why, and whether one of our product teams will be able to replace it. Nothing definitive yet. 



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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Yikes! Thankfully they haven't gone so far as to disable it in my Chromes -- I would go nuts without it!


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Jonathan March

Community Moderator

Nicole, on Tymeshift's page https://support.tymeshift.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003993613-Install-Zendesk-Quicktab-Chrome-Extension

There is the announcement:

> Important: in July 2020, Zendesk announced the removal of the extension from the Chrome marketplace and Tymeshift is currently in touch with Zendesk to agree on the extension ownership takeover.

Could you help to explain the apparent discrepancy between these two narratives?






well, it's still up on github




And doesnt work, tried that


Frick, what happens? 


does my crx packed version work? https://easyupload.io/wqndvl




ok try being less laconic when someone's trying to help you


FWIW; I lost the QuickTab extension about a month ago and Zendesk support redirected me to Tymeshift. I was able to install the extension (from github) but it still doesn't do what it was designed to do?
My Chrome browser is managed by my Corp IT department so they may have applied a policy that's broken this for me :-(

In case it's useful information this is the version of Chrome I'm running (on Windows 10) - Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (64-bit)

The proliferation of browser tabs is  truly driving me mental (can't understand why Zendesk 'dropped' this extension.




I didn't even know about that extension all these years, so I've been, instead, avoiding clicking ticket links, and just entering the ticket numbers into the search box in my existing ZD browser tab, to open them!  Thank you, Jonathan March, for telling me about this... now I'm super-anxious for it to be available again so I can finally use it! :)


I am considering making the move to the new MS Edge browser. Noticed that the extension no longer exists in the Chrome Store.

I really need this as I have Explore reports and other external apps that list the ticket links and I would open so many tabs.


@... - I tried your CRX file but it's not working saying that the extension is corrupted. When clicking on "Repair" nothing happens either :( ... 



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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

For those of you trying to get QuickTab to work from one of the Github repos, there is a good step by step flow documented in the Issues of the zendesklabs/QuickTab Github repository that worked for me. 

  1. Download the QuickTab repo from TymeShift's Github repository: https://github.com/Tymeshift/QuickTab
  2. Unpack the zip file
  3. Unpack the zip file from the releases folder
  4. Open chrome://extensions in Google Chrome
  5. Drag the unpacked folder structure into a your Chrome window

This works today, but since this seems to be in transition to TymeShift, I'd expect this to hopefully move back to the Chrome web store, but for now the two repositories are the same code.



@... - thank you! This has indeed worked!

I didn't know you could drop a folder structure like that to extensions in Chrome. Good to know. Thx again!


Same here--worked, and didn't know you could drag and drop into Chrome like that!  Very cool.  Thanks, Dan!


@... - adding my thanks to the list. Zendesk just got a lot less frustrating. Back in business


Tried those steps, doesn't work if you have agent workspaces on


Got this working now on MS Edge. Thanks for the steps @...!


I had to load it by turning on developer mode in the extensions page, but I got it working now.  Thank you so much!


Workaround is working for me, but it's ridiculous that this is necessary. IMHO, with as much of a memory hog the Zendesk web app is, Zendesk should make the functionality of this extension part of the standard stack. Don't implement your own tab system if you can't play nicely with the browser tab system.


Hello everyone!

I tried Dan Cooper's work around, but it did not work for me. I tried switching to developer mode and gave me the following error:

Using "pack extension":

Pack extension error
A private key for specified extension already exists. Reuse that key or delete it first.
Using "Load unpacked":
ErrorManifest file is missing or unreadable
Could not load manifest.
Thank you in advance to anyone's help.


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

Hi @...

I kind of stumbled on the solution I posted, but if I recall correctly, I wasn't able to load the extension using the buttons you called out either.  It was a drag and drop of the unpacked folder structure into the extensions window.  Hope this helps. 


Hello Dan Cooper

Did not work either for me, ill try doing different things and try to get it. Regardless I thank you very much for your comment.



I just re-added it yesterday no problem.


Here are the steps I followed -


  1. Download the files from GitHub - https://github.com/Tymeshift/QuickTab
  2. Unzip the file that is in the "Releases" section
  3. Go into chrome://extensions and enable "Developer Mode"
  4. Select "Load Unpacked" and select the whole folder that was just unzipped from the zip file in "releases"

For me that worked, and like I said I just had to re-do it a couple of days ago.  It seems to me like it disappears on every Chrome update, and you have to redo those steps.



It looks like someone took the extension from GitHub put it back on the Chrome store a few days ago: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zendesk-quicktab/moiloihigegdbekeabannnkibekfnekf/



