Export button on new Team Members page
In order to meet audits, we need to be able to get access control lists of all agents in Zendesk.
The Team Members has decent filters to be able to do this, but we really need an Export button.
This is particularly galling, seeing as Explore doesn't have a way to report on Agents (unlike Insights).
Brett Bowser
Hey everyone,
I'm happy to share that we have released the ability to export team-member data! You can find out more information here: Announcing the ability to export team-member data
Thanks again for taking the time to share your feedback with us :)
Sydney Neubauer
Zendesk recommends the Super Admin app but it is limited to only 100 results which doesn't work for our team. We also would like an export option in the team members page
Ben Wilcox
The new Team Members page is all very nice... I like the ability to filter by role and product. However, this is still lacking a key function. Where is the ability to export my list into a CSV file so I can manage my staff lists? We need some way to export our filtered results. It's inconceivable to me that this product does not have a way to export ALL user data in the columns I want to have show. Is there a reason we can't see this added by the next release?
Tom Dupuche
Hi Ben Wilcox,
Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it's frustrating to not have this feature, I can confirm it's definitely on our roadmap.
Our focus at the moment is to deliver the features that give the new Team members page parity with the features from the old page in Support (features such as add team member, display roles, bulk manage entitlements, etc).
Once they have been released and the new Team members page becomes the default experience export a list of team members is the next feature for us to build.
Thanks for your patience.
Tom Dupuche
Senior Product Manager, Team & License Management
Ydir Himene
I can confirm that an exportation button will be more than usefull on this page and to add a column to list the group this user belongs
Kalle Windefalk