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Copy / Duplicate Help Centre articles
2015년 3월 17일에 게시됨
Please can you allow us to copy / duplicate a Help Centre article.
Currently the only way to do this is to create a new article, paste the source code across articles. Even this solution has its drawback as any attachments are lost in the process.
This feature would also solve the issue of creating backups which we are also doing manually at present.
댓글 164개
Any answer about this problem? I'll do 3-4 similar Help Center for different brands and I don't know what is the easy and fast way for this work!
Please help me!
Nina Rogers
Adding my vote for this one. The ability to clone articles would be very helpful!
Sandra M
+1 have multi brands with whitelabel products, helpcenters are almost identical but need to be branded differently just need to copy one helpcenter to another brand and make a few changes here and there. Really need this to prevent overload of work
Shelley Ross
Yes, I agree with all of the above. It would be great to clone articles and edited them for a slightly different audience.
Or when a major revision is needed to leave the existing one in place while I edit and rewrite the new version.
Is this on your radar?
Kalle Windefalk
+1 for this.
Bob Willocks
Agreed,...just ran into an issue today that would have shortened my work load considerably if I was able to clone articles and edit them.
Please develop this capability!
Joe Conti
Yes duplicating an article would be very helpful.
Andrea Rodriguez (CD Baby)
Same here! We'd love to have a clone feature on the HC articles as well.
Permanently deleted user
Please implement this feature, we have just changed our company brand and now have to move hundreds of articles over manually. Most have screen shots that will need to be recreated!
It's nuts that we're still waiting for this.
Billy Hepper
Hi Christian,
I would just like to add my voice to the other votes for a 'copy article' feature to be included in future builds. For the structure of our Help Desk, this is something that would save us time and resources.
Thanks very much.
Angela Frey
My use case: we're conducting a massive overhaul of the KB structure, I'm making the new sections which are visible to agents & managers only, once the sections and articles for the new KB are fully written up then we'll archive the original KB and release the new KB to the users.
There are some articles/sections that we actually want to pull into the new KB, but I would have to either copy and paste, make the new KB visible before we're ready, or just have to make a mental note "migrate all these articles right before the unveiling". Frustrating.
I'm rather surprised that despite the high demand/request for the copy/clone feature on Zendesk Guide/Help Center, this isn't added yet.
T Fabels
Hi everybody,
Great news! Duplicate articles is here (in beta).
We've build a Zendesk Help Center copier which automatically synchronizes articles from one main brand help center to sub-brand(s).
The synchronization is triggered when tags are being added to an article.
We want to offer you a free trial period of 30 days to test out our solution. After the trial period the connector costs $10 per connected sub-brand (so when you're using 3 sub-brands this integration costs you $30 per month).
Please feel free to contact us at any time (support@combidesk.com)
Link to the installation manual
Link to the Zendesk Help Center copier
Looking forward hearing from you.
Team Combidesk
Robert Boehm
we have just started using Zendesk and now implementing Guide. I was really surprised that the copy functionality of articles is not available after so long time requested.
Would be cool if Zendesk can give an update to their plans in this and a possible estimation when we can get such an option.
Although I do appreciate the effort of Team Combidesk, we do expect such a native option from the application provider and software vendor.
A roadmap schedule would be good.
Arno N
Hi Zendesk, this feature has been requested already in 2015 and there is wide support from different users that would like to see this feature to be developed.
Could you please implement this?!
Ross Newton
Ah yes, another obvious missing feature from Zendesk Guide. With TWO YEARS of customer comments asking for the feature. What's the status on this?
Why would you not have such a basic feature!?
I just wrote a 10-article tutorial and I need to duplicate and only change a few keywords in each article. This is now going to be way more work cutting and pasting.
Susan Maher
I would like to add my request for this feature. We have a need to have a template for all articles so we can provide the same look and feel. Cloning will allow us to have a template in the Knowledge base that can be cloned.
Jan-Hendrik Spieth
+1 for this feature request.
Ollie Parker
Clearly there is a high demand for this feature - Zendesk encourages the use (and support) of multi-brand engagement, however without providing a proper migration tool there is a very large amount of administrative effort required in manually updating everything.
Having found this forum post (OP in 2015), I was hopeful of a resolution, even a minor workaround, however was disappointed to see that Zendesk's overall response to the suggestion has been lacklustre and we don't appear to be any closer to finding a solution.
Are Zendesk open with their development roadmap plans, or are we left guessing? Please provide an update.
Combidesk appears to be the only option (3rd party!) which could provide what we're looking for, has anyone else got any experience with this? Would be keen to hear some feedback.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Ollie -
Thanks for your feedback. To respond to your questions and statements:
It's true that this thread has a significant number of comments and votes has been around for awhile. Those things are factors in our product development prioritization process, but while a long-standing thread with a lot of comments carries influence, it doesn't guarantee development.
We are working on improving communication in the Product Feedback topic. However, as stated in the Product Feedback Guidelines, as a rule we do not share our roadmap. We will update the Community as things are in development, and indeed, many of the requests made in this topic have been fulfilled over the years. But, of course, we can't build everything everyone wants, nor do it all at once.
All that being said, I know that the Guide product team is working on a number of things to improve publishing, specifically with an eye toward multi-brand users. I will check in with them to see if this kind of functionality is a part of what they're working on, and will let you know what I hear.
Robert Boehm
Hello Nicole,
thanks for your response.
We as a software vendor know how difficult it could be to fulfill all needs brought up.
Although I think that this functionality requested in this thread is major, I am looking forward to
see some movement in that matter after consideration of your product management and development.
Ben Christensen
Hi Nicole - you mentioned checking in with the team - any news? Is this type of functionality something that is included in what they're working on?
Mike Brosius
This is a much needed feature
Toru Takahashi
I hope Zendesk Guides has this feature in Manage Articles. Especially, it's helpful to resolve the following request too.
What I want to do is to create a new article by cloning a template from this list, which shows only articles using KCTemplate.
Steven Hank
This feature would be incredibly useful. Especially since images don't copy and paste well, this becomes extra time consuming. When I want to edit a customer facing article for an upcoming feature, but not release the changes externally yet, I'd like to be able to create a clone, made edits, and then release it with the product update.
Joseph Aronez
+1 for the ability to clone articles! Need it to train multiple employees!
Joe Conti
As a software development firm, we understand the challenge of juggling priorities.
In looking at this from the value versus level of effort perspective, where does Zendesk sit?
Is it not valuable enough to your users? Is it super complex and involved to copy/clone an article?
On the surface, it appears that this will help a number of your users and that it would be considered a low-to-medium level of development effort.
David da Silva Rosa
I could really use this feature in my workflow. I have to create lots of similar articles in different sections!
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
This request is one that the Guide product team is highly aware of and are looking into. I'll check in with the Product Manager and see if there are more details on this we can share.
Ryan McGrew
Hey All,
This is definitely something we're working toward, but it's a path that includes a few other features along the way.
The first thing we need to do is rebuild how permissions work in Guide. This work began in earnest in Q1 2018. Today they are set at the section level and we are working to migrate these to the article. You can see that we currently have an EAP of the new management permissions available. We are gathering customer feedback on the experience now. We will then be working on updating view permissions for articles, again moving from the section level to articles.This is important because putting an article in 2 different sections with differing permission would be impossible. We're hoping to have all of this work completed by early Q4 2018.
Once we've rebuilt permissions, we're working on deeper, more flexible hierarchy. This will allow for sections within sections. We're hoping to have an EAP available for this in Q4 2018.
From there we expect to begin work on this feature which allow you to place an article in more than one section in Q1 2019.
We are fully aware of the use cases, have done customer research into the problem and are working on design concepts now that we'll be testing along the way. These are all very core parts of Guide platform and require us to be fully backward compatible as we move into the new world. It's a lot of heavy lifting and careful planning. To that end, we are making a significant investment over the next 9 months to rebuild these parts of the product so that we can support these very important features for our customers. We have a team of engineers and a product manager just dedicated to these features.
I hope this helps shed some light into our progress and how we're tracking to where we want to be.