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AnswerBot not showing request form after unsuccesful query


2022년 2월 03일에 게시됨

I have a Classic Web Widget active on my site (answerbot). I would like for users to be shown the form to submit a query if their request was unsuccesful.

I have added contactOptions: { enabled: true } and contactOnlyAfterQuery: true but this does not seem to be doing anything.

This is the whole snippet:

    window.zESettings = {
        cookies: false,
        webWidget: {
            contactOptions: {
                enabled: true,
                contactButton: { '*': 'Get in touch' }
            answerBot: {
                avatar: {
                    url: 'xxxxx',
                    name: {
                        '*': 'Bot'
                    contactOnlyAfterQuery: true
                search: {
                    labels: l
                title: {
                    '*': 'How can we help?'
<script id="ze-snippet" src="xxx"></script>

Any ideas on why the form is not showing up after an unsuccessful query?



댓글 2개

Hello, there was a reply here a few days ago asking me to enable account assumption for a week (which I did). Any news?


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Eric Nelson

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey Lorenzo,

Apologies about that, for ContactOnlyAfterQuery to work you need to make sure that the contact form is enabled on the web widget. If you enabled that you should be all set. 


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