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Updating ticket fields via API

2025년 1월 23일에 게시됨

I want to deactivate 200+ fields that are no longer used on any forms. I thought I may be able to do so using the ticket update end point, but it looks like the only possible changes documented are to field options - https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/ticketing/tickets/ticket_fields/#update-ticket-field


I was hoping that I could pass a "active": true via PUT, but all I get back is a 200 with no changes. Is it possible to make changes to fields via API outside of updating field options?



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Erica Girges

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Matthew, 
If you're looking to completely delete a ticket field you can use the delete ticket field endpoint. Or if you just want to delete the ticket field option you can use this endpoint.


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