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Explore recipe: Ticket assigns per day

Edited Jun 21, 2024





Will this include the tickets that were reassigned?

We have tickets that we reassigns to another agent when the assignee is on leave or on week off, we want to make sure that is being counted as well.


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Eric Gao

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jane,

The recipe will include all ticket assignments, including reassignments. So any reassigned tickets will be captured by the query accordingly.

Warm Regards,

Eric G. Gao | Technical Support Architect | Zendesk


Hello.thank you for your quick support. What i would like to see is all tickets turned open on daily basis and not only the remaining open tickets at the end of the day.
Is that possible? and by open i mean:

When a ticket is open it mean that a customer replies to an existing ticket.That is how it goes on “open”
thank you


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Louis,
I would try something like the following in the ticket updates dataset. The update - date would be the day you are looking at and the update ticket status would be set to open.

Best regards,


Thank you Alex. Really helpful !



Will this include the tickets that were reassigned to a group as well if I am filtering with a specific group?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Abdelrahman,
The Tickets assigned metric will only count events where a ticket is assigned to a particular agent. If the ticket is assigned to the group and a specific agent, then yes, the metric should include the ticket. But, if you are referring to tickets that were assigned to a group (without a particular agent assignee), then those won't be counted in the report above. You may need to look at the Group reassignments metric or create a custom calculation that will count tickets where a value was set for either assignee_id or group_id.
Hope this helps. Thanks Abdelrahman!


How can I remove the reassigns from the ticket assigned per day? I want to see only newly created ticket assignments to see how many new tickets were picked by the agents.


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Pranhita,

You may use result metric calculation to subtract the value of the native metric Assignee reassignments from the Tickets assigned metric.

Or, you may create a custom metric that only counts assignments of previously unassigned tickets. Example:
IF ([Changes - Field name] = "assignee_id"
AND [Changes - Previous value]=NULL
AND [Changes - New value]!="0")
THEN [Update ID]


Hi all,


I am pretty sure that we are not alone with this issue, so I would like to describe it in detail below:


Managers must be able to assess and evaluate the workload in the business unit and for the individual agents and distribute the workload based on this information. Based on this information, conclusions are also drawn that result in automatic routings and assignments.


For this purpose, there should be a dashboard for all departments that displays the relevant data. The restrictions of the viewers are limited to their own groups.

Currently, this cannot be solved in one scalable dashboard, as the database itself does not provide correct data, even not with the update history dataset. 


For a better understanding, the following questions arise in order to be able to make an adequate assessment:

  • How many tickets do I currently have open in my Business Unit?
  • Have these tickets already been assigned, and if so, to whom?
  • How many tickets have I processed in my Business Unit?
  • How many tickets have been commented on in the Business Unit?
  • Which agent has processed how many tickets?
  • Which agent has commented on how many tickets?
  • How many comments has the respective agent made?

The questions marked in italic can currently only be represented to a limited extent or not at all in accordance with reality.

For a better understanding, further explanation is provided with an example using a single ticket (#2983090) and components reduced to the problem definition.

Based on the real activities in the ticket, the following information should therefore be displayed in the report/dashboard:

However, these are not actually presented in any constellation.


Based on the "Ticket Group" attribute, the display without agents shows the following picture: 

9 agent updates are correct, but are not related to the group 1 (with real 1 updates).


With Agents, the updates of the agents are displayed in the correct total number, but are still assigned to the wrong group. 



Based on the "Update Ticket Group" attribute, the following screen appears in the display without agents: 

The groups are now named correctly, but the number of updates in the groups is incorrect.



Including the agents, the groups are displayed correctly, but not the number of updates for the respective agents. 


Once again compared with how it should look:


At the moment I only know of the possibility to evaluate via the ticket group (which indicates in which group the ticket is located at the time of the report) or via the ticket update group (to which group the ticket was sent).

Ultimately, all we need is an additional group attribute that indicates the group in which the update is made.


I would be very grateful if we could finally find a solution here.


Thx and BR!


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