Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
In this Explore recipe, you'll learn how to create a report that helps determine the following satisfaction metrics for each of your agents at the time when the ticket requester filled out the satisfaction survey:
- Tickets rated Good satisfaction
- Tickets rated Bad satisfaction
- Tickets with a response to the satisfaction survey
- The percentage satisfaction score for each agent
If you haven't enabled satisfaction surveys, see Using CSAT.
What you'll need
Skill level: Advanced
Time Required: 25 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating the report
To create the report
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Updates history, then click Start report. The report opens.
- You need to create four standard calculated metrics for this report. For each metric, in the Calculations menu (
), click Standard calculated metric.
- In the Standard calculated metric panel, enter each metric formula as follows, clicking Save after each one:
Name Formula Good satisfaction tickets IF ([Changes - Field name]="satisfaction_score"
AND [Changes - New value]="good" AND [Ticket satisfaction rating]="Good")
THEN [Update ticket ID]
ENDIFBad satisfaction tickets IF ([Changes - Field name]="satisfaction_score"
AND [Changes - New value]="bad" AND [Ticket satisfaction rating]="Bad")
THEN [Update ticket ID]
ENDIFSatisfaction responses IF ([Changes - Field name]="satisfaction_score"
AND ([Changes - New value]="good" OR [Changes - New value]="bad")
AND ([Ticket satisfaction rating]="Good" OR [Ticket satisfaction rating]="Bad"))
THEN [Update ticket ID]
ENDIF% Satisfaction score D_COUNT(Good satisfaction tickets)/D_COUNT(Satisfaction Responses) - When you are finished, in the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, expand the Calculated metrics section, choose the four standard calculated metrics you just created, then click Apply. Ensure that the aggregation method for each metric is set as follow:
- D_COUNT(Good satisfaction tickets)
- D_COUNT(Bad satisfaction tickets)
- D_COUNT(Satisfaction responses)
- SUM(% Satisfaction score)
- In the Rows section, click Add.
- From the list of Rows, choose Update ticket assignee, then click Apply.
Explore displays a table showing the metrics and attributes you added. There's one more step before you're finished which is to convert the satisfaction score metric into a percentage value. - In the Filters panel, click Add.
- From the list of filters, choose Update - Date, then click Apply.
- Click the Update - Date filter you just added and configure it to show only updates made this week.
- From the Chart configuration (
) menu, click Display format.
- On the Display format panel, find the SUM(% Satisfaction score) metric you added and change its value to %.
Explore displays the finished report.
Is it possible to add one more column for # of tickets solved so I can compare the satisfaction responses to # of tickets solved?
Erin O'Callaghan
Hi Dylan! You can do this by adding the Tickets solved metric with the D_COUNT aggregator. So your metrics panel would look like this:

Ntsako Masinge
Which datasets and Metrics have been used to calculate the Agents CSAT score that shows on the agent dashboard. Using Explore, I am getting a different score completely. They don't correspond.
Gab Guinto
The CSAT scores from the home dashboard in Support is based on when the tickets were solved (past 60 days). So, if you need to recreate them in Explore, then you can filter % Satisfaction score by the attribute Ticket solved - Date.
Ivan Sotirov
Hello everyone,
We're using Zendesk Messaging and would like to get a better overview of the Agent satisfaction score. It appears that we can only use the 'Assignee name' as an attribute in the Support Dataset with channel messaging.
On some occasions, we have more than one agent working on the same ticket, and eventually, the above attribute would mean that the CSAT score will only count for this agent. Can this be adjusted somehow?
We're looking for something similar to the 'Agent name' attribute in the Zendesk Chat datasets.
Thank you in advance!
Alex Zheng
I would try this recipe to determine the assignee at the time when the CSAT was rated.
Best regards,
Kesh Hansjee
1. Is the data on this report reflecting in real time?
2. Can ticket numbers be available on this report with a link to view the ticket?
Bruno Gabriel
How I remove agents who were downgraded to final users?
Susan Phang
Possible to filter the data by the rating score 1-5 instead of Good/ Bad?