This article details the maximum product limits in Guide.
Knowledge base limits
The following table shows the maximum limits related to knowledge base functionality in Guide.
Item | Maximum |
Article size | 1MB per translation For example, the source language article is limited to 1MB, as is each additional translation. This translates to approximately 1,000,000 characters (excluding āăą or hidden html tags). |
Total number of articles, excluding archived and translations | 40,000 |
Total number of articles in a single section | 5,000 |
Total number of comments per article | 1,000 |
Total number of labels per article (not available on Suite Team) |
50 |
Total number of @mentions in an article | 15 |
Total number of @mentions in a comment | 15 |
Total number of content tags per article | 25 |
Total number of content tags per account | 200 |
Total number of article verification rules | 20 |
Total number of items within each filter type in an article verification rule | Filter types and item limits:
Total number of attachments per article | 500 |
Article attachment size | 20 MB |
Total number of media per account (images and attachments) | Plan limits:
Total number of categories | 100 |
Total number of sections in a single category | 100 |
Total number of section levels (Enterprise plans only) |
5 |
Total number of sections in a single section (Enterprise plans only) |
200 |
Maximum length of an article content | Approximately 1,000,000 characters, (excluding āăą or hidden html tags). |
Content blocks limits
The following table shows the maximum limits for content blocks in the help center.
Item | Limit |
Total number of articles that a content block can be used in | 500 |
Article size | 1MB This translates to approximately 1000000 characters, (excluding āăą or hidden html tags). |
Total number of content blocks in one article | 25 |
Total number of content blocks in one account | 5000 |
Total number of images per content block | 50 |
Content block size | 500KB |
Plan type | Zendesk Suite Enterprise and above or Guide Enterprise and above. |
Search limits
General search limits
The following table shows the maximum limits related to help center search.
Item | Maximum |
Native search queries | 300 characters or 50 terms |
Instant search queries | 300 characters or 100 terms |
Default snippet size for a search result | 120 characters |
Content searched within an article | First 100,000 bytes This translates to approximately 25,000–100,000 characters. |
Federated search limits
General federated search limits
The following table shows the maximum limits related to federated search.
Item | Maximum |
External records | 50,000 external records |
External record size | 10,000 bytes/record |
External sources | 20 |
External types | 20 |
Record maximum title length | 255 characters |
Record maximum body length | 10,000 characters |
Search crawler limits
The following table shows the maximum limits related to the search crawler.
Item | Maximum |
Crawlers | 20 |
Pages in a single sitemap | 50,000 |
External content API limits
Normal Zendesk API rate limits apply to the External content API if no lower rate limit is documented in the following table. For links to external content API documentation, see Federated Search API Introduction.
Item | Maximum |
External record creation | 770/min |
Management permissions and user segment limits
The following table shows the maximum limits related to user segment functionality in the help center.
Item | Maximum |
Total number of management permissions groups | 200 |
Total number of user segments | 200 |
Total number of ALL tags referenced in a user segment | 50 |
Total number of ANY tags referenced in a user segment | 50 |
Total number of groups referenced in a user segment | 50 |
Total number of organizations referenced in a user segment | 50 |
Total number of individual users (outside of tags, groups, and organizations) in a user segment | 50 |
See Creating user segments for more information about user segments and tags.
Theme limits
Item | Maximum |
Total number of themes | 10 |
Individual theme size | 55MB |
Total theme assets size | 50MB |
Individual theme asset size | 5MB |
Individual theme asset name | 50 characters |
Individual theme template size | 300KB |
Total number of page templates per article, section, or category | Up to 100 each |
Individual theme style.css size | 800KB |
Total number of elements per page (for example, articles, posts, sections, categories, and so on) | 30 For more than 30 elements, you can add the pagination helper {{pagination}} to your Guide theme so users can paginate to view all the elements. |
Individual theme script.js size | 800KB |
Total number of settings in manifest.json | 200 |
Total number of characters in a variable object identifier | 30 Only alphanumeric characters and underscores (_) are allowed. |
Total number of options in a list type setting | 20 |
Total number of custom pages | 100 |
Why are there limits?
- For security purposes it’s important to vet the types of files that customers are allowed to upload so that we don’t receive malicious files.
- To prevent misuse or abuse vectors, it's important to limit the total size of files.
- For performance reasons, it’s important to serve, save, import and export files quickly for customers.