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About native Support time duration metrics

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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Edited Jun 21, 2024




Just to confirm, unlike Requester Wait Time, does First and Full Resolution Time include time no matter the status?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jake! Yes that's right, the First and Full resolution time metrics includes the time spent in new, open, pending and hold statuses.



I am trying to calculate the Requester wait time for the last assignee.

For example : let's say a ticket is created, spends 2 days as new, is assigned to Agent 1, ticket stays open for 3 days while assigned to Agent 1, ticket is then assigned to Agent 2, and stays open for 1 day before being solved.

The current Requester wait time for the ticket is the total of all wait times : 2 + 3 + 1 = 6 days

I'd like to only have the wait time since Agent 2 is assigned to it, which would be 1 day !

Would there be any way to calculate that ?

Thanks for you help !


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Stéphane,

The Requester wait time metric is under the Tickets dataset, and I'm afraid the dataset does not offer the option to slice the data by historical assignees. That report be possible through the Updates history dataset. The updates dataset does not have the native Requester wait time metric, but you can use the status time metrics – New status time, Open status time, and On-hold status time – in your calculation. You can add these three metric to the report and then use a Result metric calculation to combine the values into one column. Example:

If you add Update ticket assignee under Rows or Columns, the data will be sliced by the assignee names at the time these values were recorded. If you need to only display the data on the last/current assignee, then you may create a custom attribute with a formula similar to this:
IF [Update ticket assignee]=[Assignee name] THEN [Update ticket assignee] ENDIF
Use this to custom attribute instead of the native Update ticket assignee as slicer (exclude NULL values from the attribute), and your report should show the requester wait time (time spent in new/open/hold) under the current assignee. 



Based on this article, I think "full resolution time = agent wait time + requester wait time", but I see the case that it is not correct. As far as I checked some tickets, this calculation is not correct when the ticket is reopened. agent wait time and/or requester wait time are counted correctly after the reopen?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Satoshi,

That's right, for reopened tickets, the full resolution will include the time from when the ticket was initially placed in solved status until it was reopened. A workaround is to create a report under the Updates History dataset and get the sum of the native metrics for New, Open, Pending and On-hold status time.


The first resolution time keep updating daily and I am unable to get the right numbers. how can I get the accurate numbers. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Mohamad,

It's possible that you are seeing the Full Resolution time and not First Resolution time. Once you have confirmed that it's the First Resolution that is changing with a specific ticket, take note of that ticket and contact us directly so that we can investigate further.


Does Agent Wait Time + Requester Wait Time = Full Resolution time?


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Noly Maron Unson

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Matt,

Agent wait time + Requester wait time is NOT Full resolution time. There are cases when a Solved ticket gets reopened, when this happens, the time it stays in Solved up until it turns back to Open status is not captured by either Agent wait time or Requester wait time but is included in the Full resolution time.

Hope this helps.


If a ticket goes into onhold status and say remains there for a week, when the ticket is finally marked as solved, does the full resolution time take into account the week it was onhold for?


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Alex Zheng

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Darren,
Yes that is correct as the resolution time simply calculates the time from ticket creation to when it is solved. If you want to exclude on-hold time you can try something like what we have outlined in the article here.



Is there a way of calculating First Resolution time without time spent in Pending between Ticket Creation and First Resolution?

Currently, I can report on Full Resolution without Agent Wait Hours, but I can't use this for First Resolution as some Agent Wait Hours happened after the First Resolution


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James G

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Benjamin,
Unfortunately, Zendesk Explore does not have a built-in feature that could achieve what you're looking for. However, you can use a workaround solution by creating a workflow that adds a unique identifier to those kinds of tickets. This could be done by adding tags for example or setting a ticket field to a specific value, etc.
Once you have a unique identifier added to those tickets, you can then use it as a filter in Zendesk Explore. This way, you can make sure that the metric you're calculating only considers tickets that were not set to the Pending status before being resolved for the first time.


I'm trying to calculate the Requester Wait Time to include the time it spends in New or Open status before an agent has replied. We sometimes have tickets in Open status if automation attempts to answer the customer's request but is unsuccessful.

Here's my attempt, but I wasn't sure if this was the right way to calculate it.

IF ([Ticket status]="New") OR (([Ticket status]="Open" AND [Assignee stations brackets]="NULL" AND VALUE(Agent replies)<1))
THEN DATE_DIFF(NOW(),[Ticket created - Timestamp],"nb_of_hours") 
ELSE VALUE(Requester wait time - Business hours (min))/60


From my understanding, the Requester Wait Time is only calculated after a ticket is updated. So you don’t get an accurate way to gauge the average wait time of all New and Open tickets. I learned this the hard way when I manually exported our tickets and then calculated it myself, and found that the value for Requester Wait Time was severely understated. Seems like something that should be improved, otherwise, you’re reporting inaccurate information. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Allen,
The Requester wait time is the total combined time the ticket was in the new, open, and on-hold statuses. This means that once a ticket has been created, the Requester wait time will start.

It is also important to note that SLAs can be set to run during business hours or calendar hours. If in case you have set your SLAs to run during business hours and you've manually calculated the Requester wait time with calendar hours, that could explain the discrepancy. You can find that information here: What is the difference between calendar hours and business hours conditions?
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk



I have an SLA set for first time reply & next time reply. Im adding that into the report, but i want to filter them to show the average reply time for both. But in the metrics in Explore I find only 'First reply time'. Can you help with this?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Nikolay,
The Next reply time is in the SLA attributes, under SLA metrics. This is a native attribute so this should be in your datasets. More information here. If you're having trouble looking for it, I'd highly recommend reaching out to our Support Team. Thank you.
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk




Zendesk's current metrics, "First Reply Time" and "Requester Wait Time," provide a limited view of total customer wait time.

  • First Reply Time only considers tickets that have received a reply, excluding those still pending.
  • Requester Wait Time is calculated only after a ticket transitions out of "New," "Open," or "On-hold" status, potentially missing long wait times for unresolved tickets.

This limitation hinders our ability to accurately measure and improve overall customer wait times.


Are there any native Zendesk features or workarounds to track more accurate measure of total customer wait time, encompassing both First Reply Time and the time spent waiting for an initial response. Have other Zendesk users encountered this issue and found effective solutions?


Does requester wait time data include current tickets that haven't been resolved?


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