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Explore recipe: Percentage of calls answered in 30 seconds or more

Edited Mar 05, 2025




Just a couple of thoughts to help others that may reference this article.  

I wanted to see what % was answered within threshold vs what was breached so I did this a bit different. 

First for the standard metric - I did:

IF (([Call direction]="Inbound")
AND (VALUE(Call wait time (sec)) <= 30))
THEN [Call ID]

Then for the Result Metric Calculation - I did this:

COUNT(Calls answered less than 30 seconds)/D_COUNT(Inbound calls)

I also added a filter for calls outside business hours and set it to "false" as I wanted to only measure what came in during hours we were open and not distort the %.  

Agree with what many others have written - this should be part of the live dashboard.  I've never seen a phone system missing something so basic.  


Thanks for adding these tips, Kim!


Will live service level be coming any time soon? I saw a community post about this from 2018 and this functionality still doesn't exist. Historical reporting is fine but it doesn't help you made staffing adjustments in the moment. If we had a bigger team we would never be able to use Zendesk as our telephony system without this!


Hey there. 
Can anybody tell me if this is including or excluding the time the customer spends in the IVR menu?

If it is including the IVR menu, is there anyways to make this so it only shows how long the customer is waiting for the agent to pick up the phone? 


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Anne Ronalter

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Lea,

in this case, you can do the following:

Call duration - Call IVR time = call not including IVR


How would the command look? It doesnt work if i try to work it into the bolean expression.

IF (([Call direction]="Inbound")
AND (VALUE(Call wait time (sec)) <= 10))
AND (Call duration - Call IVR time = call not including IVR)
THEN [Call ID]


I have followed all of these instructions but my % breached is not showing on the report. Can someone show me how to fix this?



I may be missing something. Wouldn't the current formula also include calls that were abandoned as there is nothing in the formula to filter on Call completion Status of "Completed" ? 
In other words, I believe this formula isn't showing you calls inbound calls answered in 30 seconds or more, but all inbound calls that waited for 30 seconds or more. 


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Zendesk Luminary

If a call was missed, how does that factor in here? Do missed calls get included in this recipe, or only calls that were actually answered?


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Salim Cheurfi

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Lea,
Thanks for reaching out,
I will open a ticket on your behalf so we can troubleshoot this via email, you will receive an email from our support team shortly.


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