Quick Look: Guide Admin > Customize design icon > Theme options menu > Update
from GitHub
If you've set up the GitHub integration for your Guide theme, you manage your theme in GitHub and update the theme in Guide as needed.
You must be a Guide admin to update a GitHub-managed theme in Guide.
To update your Guide theme from GitHub
- In GitHub, make any changes to your theme, then increment the theme version number in the manifest.json file when you are ready to update the theme in Guide.
- In Guide, click the Customize design icon (
) in the sidebar.
The Themes page opens.
- Choose the GitHub-managed theme you want to update.
Any GitHub-managed theme has the GitHub logo beside the name of the theme.
- Click the options menu (
), then select Update from GitHub.
- In Update from GitHub, click Update.
If you want to overwrite your theme settings in the Settings panel, deselect Keep theme settings. Otherwise the import will keep the theme settings as they are set in Guide and not overwrite them from GitHub.
Your theme updates in the Themes page.