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Explore recipe: Created tickets per month compared to the previous month

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Hannah Meier

Zendesk Customer Care

Edited Mar 05, 2025




How would I modify this to only show tickets created by end users?


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Hi Katie Meek, you can add either the Requester role or Submitter role attribute (depending on exactly what you're looking for) in the Rows panel. Then click the attribute to filter it to the End-user value only.

For the difference between requester vs. submitter, see the entries in the Zendesk glossary.


When I tried this, I got very large numbers for each month because it was summing  each named month across the four years that ZD has been active. For example, "January" numbers include January 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. How do I get a chart with each actual month separate?

(I can do this by restricting to the last 12 months, but I'd like to get several years in this chart.)


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Jonathan,
You can try adding Ticket created - Year to slice your monthly data by year. If you need the rows to be in chronological order, then you need to place the Year attribute before/on top of Ticket created - Month. 


Thank you. That was what I needed.


An End-user sorted this by Tickets and now the months are out of order. I'm not able to sort by month, how do I get it back.

I removed sorting as an option.


I resolved by re-creating the Tickets - Copy Metric - It didn't have 'sorted' stuck to it.



I've followed the instructions and made few tweaks but I have an issue in that my ticket numbers for January and not showing a difference in % against the previous month

Any idea why?


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Viktor Osetrov

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi James, 

It happens because you can see the % results only from the previous element.  
And technically "January" has position number 1. 

Hope it clarifies




I followed the instructions in getting the report created. I'd like to remove certain groups from the report so that it only contains specified groups. How would I do that without breaking the report up into bits. First report is without the groups added, the second will be with the groups added.





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Ivan Miquiabas

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Darius, 
Thanks for reaching out! 
You can only use the group attribute to show what Support group an agent is assigned to.
Please follow this recipe to attain the desired goal of yours, please let us know if this recipe helps!   
All the best, 


I'm curious if there is a way to select by year and Month to allow simple comparisons vs a list showing all.


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