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What is the difference between the metrics Call wait time and Call answer time?

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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Edited Jun 08, 2023




Is there a way in Explore to show a call that had the longest Call Wait time for a specific day?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Andres,

You can build a query with the native metric Call wait time, sliced by Ticket or Call ID and any other attributes that you need to display. Filter the query by the date that you need to report on. Then, head over to the Result Manipulation menu → Top/bottom, and then set the query to only display the Top 1 result. (see Creating a top/bottom filter). The report should now show the call/ticket with the highest Call wait time.

Hope this helps. Thanks Andres!



Is it possible to subtract the time spent in queue from the Call wait time so I would have just the agent routing and pick up? Is there a way to build a calculated metric for that?




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey @...! The time spent in the queue is the same time it takes for the call to be routed to the agent and for them to pick up, which is the Call wait time metric. The Call wait time does not include the time spend in the IVR, rather wait time starts calculating once out of the IVR, until the time the agent picks up (assuming the call was actually routed to available agents via the options selected in the IVR). 

In other words, subtracting "time spent in queue" from Call wait time would always be 0, as that is the same thing.


Hey @..., thanks for getting back to me.

I got it. Still, I am not quite sure that's what I need. What I am actually looking for is how long an agent takes to pick up a call once it has been routed to them. In other words, the call "ringing" time.

I have marked the image below with two red arrows on the exact interval I would like to report on.

Does that make sense? Would it be possible?



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Zendesk Customer Care

Thanks for the graphic, as that does help illustrate what you are wanting to measure. At this time, we don't have a way to report on the time it takes for the agent to accept the call once they are shown it in Zendesk. 


No worries @.... Thanks a lot anyway :)


I would like some help to understand Call Wait Time. In my settings, I have a maximum queue wait time of 10 minutes, or 600 seconds. Why then do I see some calls have a Call Wait Time of 800 seconds or greater? I would assume since it disregards voicemail that nothing else could really add to this number.

The only other thing I can think of is Callback is factored into this metric, which wouldn't be very helpful as we're using Callback to alleviate the time customers wait in queue. 

Is there a good way of showing only the time customers are actually on the line waiting for a call to be received?


Hi David,
Maximum queue wait time is ignored when a call is transferred – could that explain what you're seeing? When is maximum queue wait time ignored?


Our calls are not set up to transfer at any point. I think my issue for some reason what that I was using the metric SUM(call wait time). I changed to MAX(call wait time) and it looks much more akin to my expectations. 

I checked this with MAX(call talk time) as well and it seems more accurate.

Do you know why using the SUM option seems to double the listed time?


What attribute(s) are you using to slice your data? If more than one call is being considered in each calculation, then MAX would give you the maximum of those calls, but SUM would add all the wait times together.


Can I ask if there are any plans to provide the Pick-Up or Speed to Answer time (as Bruno had asked earlier in the thread) for agents in the future? - Thanks!


Hi Sabra is there any update on the request from Bruno Menezes and Whitney? I would also really like the ability on how quickly agents answer after a call is routed to them. Thank you!


Hello! I would love help understanding why sometimes the Call Wait Time is GREATER than the Answer Time? If the Call Wait time is one part of the Answer Time formula, how is this possible?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Kathryn, 
Call wait time usually refers to the amount of time a caller spends in a queue before an agent answers the call. Call answer time on the other hand, typically refers to the duration that an end user waits for a call to be answered by an agent, including the greetings and IVR.
If you find that the call wait time is greater than the answer time, it could indicate several potential scenarios or issues:
1. High Call Volume can cause longer wait times, especially if there are not enough agents to handle the queue promptly. This imbalance can result in longer wait times compared to answer times if agents are working efficiently to clear the queue.
2. During peak hours or unexpected traffic spikes, wait times can exceed the actual answer time as there may be fewer agents available to answer calls.
3. Some callers may hang up after a long wait, increasing the average wait time while reducing the answer time for calls that are actually answered. This situation can skew metrics, making it seem as though wait time overstates answer time.
4. If calls are not being routed effectively to the right agents based on their skills or availability, it can result in unnecessarily long wait times. This inefficiency can happen due to poor IVR setup or misconfigured routing rules.
More information can be found here: 
How do I set up call routing in Talk?
Routing incoming calls with IVR
Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Talk
I hope this helps. 


Hi Gab, this is very helpful, thank you!

To confirm, the call wait time will be recorded even in the event the user ends up abandoning the call? In other words, the user does NOT need to be connected to an agent to "log" a wait time?

This may explain what we're seeing if we have users who ultimately decide to hang up instead of waiting, increasing the wait time while calls that are connected are quick.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Kathryn, 
Yes, that is correct. If you're looking to report on these calls, I would suggest using the Call completion status attribute that will help you identify if the call is either abandoned or completed. 
Please let me know if you have any further questions. 


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