Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
In this Explore recipe, you'll learn how to use the Updates history dataset to report on agent replies in different brackets, for example, the number of tickets with 1, 2, 3 and 4 or more public agent replies.
You can already utilize the attribute Agent replies brackets in the Tickets dataset. However, this recipe leverages the Updates history dataset to enable more enhanced reporting by being able to filter the report results based on the date range when the ticket replies occurred.
What you'll need
Skill level: Average
Time required: 20 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
How to create the report in Explore
This report groups tickets per agent reply brackets in your instance.
To create the report
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Updates history, then click Start report.
- In the Calculations menu (
), click Standard calculated metric.
- On the Standard calculated metric page, give your metric a name like "Public Agent Replies".
In the Formula field, enter or paste the following formula:
IF ([Comment present] = TRUE AND [Updater role] != "End-user" AND [Comment public] = TRUE)
THEN [Update ID]
ENDIF - When you are finished, click Save.
- In the Calculations menu (
), click Standard calculated metric.
- On the Standard calculated metric page, give your metric a name like "Tickets with Public Agent Replies".
In the Formula field, enter or paste the following formula:
IF ([Comment present] = TRUE AND [Updater role] != "End-user" AND [Comment public] = TRUE)
THEN [Update ticket ID]
ENDIF - When you are finished, click Save.
- In the Calculations menu (
), click Standard calculated attribute.
- On the Standard calculated attribute page, give your attribute a name like "Public Agent Reply Brackets".
In the Formula field, enter or paste the following formula:
IF (ATTRIBUTE_FIX(COUNT(Public Agent Replies), [Ticket ID])=1)
THEN "1 Agent Reply"
ELIF (ATTRIBUTE_FIX(COUNT(Public Agent Replies), [Ticket ID])=2)
THEN "2 Agent Replies"
ELIF (ATTRIBUTE_FIX(COUNT(Public Agent Replies), [Ticket ID])=3)
THEN "3 Agent Replies"
ELIF (ATTRIBUTE_FIX(COUNT(Public Agent Replies), [Ticket ID])>3)
THEN "4+ Agent Replies"
ELSE "0"
ENDIF - In the Computed from drop down select Ticket ID.
- When you are finished, click Save.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Calculated metrics > Tickets with Public Agent Replies, then click Apply.
- In the Rows panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Calculated attributes > Public Agent Reply Brackets, then click Apply. The report will match the following:
Optionally, you can add a date filter such as Update - Date to narrow the date range being reported as well as adding the Updater name to slice the report results further by the Agent names.
Bharath Bhushan M S
Gives me the count only if the ticket is currently in the assignee/agent name.
If the agent has escalated the ticket to another queue, the count goes missing.
how i do get the public reply count of an agent irrespective the ticket is under their name or no?
James G
Hello Bharath Bhushan M S,
It sounds like you are using the attribute "Assignee Name". If that is the case, the number of public comments (based on the formula you've sent) will be attributed to the "current" assignee of the ticket.
If you want to get the count of public comments made by an agent regardless of whether he is the current assignee of the ticket or not, you may use the attribute "Updater Name" instead.
For the complete list of metrics and attributes you can use, you may refer to this article - Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support
James Gibaga | Customer Advocate
Andrew Goetz
James G Thanks for this guide, just what I was looking for to modify the existing brackets of Agent Replies Brackets metric.
However, I hit a snag when building the Standard calculated attribute for the Public Agent Reply Brackets attribute. When I enter the formula, I get an error on each IF line that says I can't use COUNT(Public Agent Replies) in a calculated attribute and would need to wrap it in ATTRIBUTE_FIX or ATTRIBUTE_ADD function.
Ran through the steps a few times and keep getting stuck here, and when trying to make the suggested change from the error message, I don't think I can as its an IF/THEN value rather than a normal metric.
Anything I can do to get around it or maybe the behavior has since changed?
Zsa Trias
Hello Andrew,
This seems to be related to this announcement: Announcing changes to calculations in Explore
I have found this article to help you troubleshoot errors encountered in Explore.
Based on the Correct formula column above, can you try this sample formula instead: