In this Explore recipe, you'll learn how to create a report that shows the number of tickets being created by agents and end users.
What you'll need
Skill level: Moderate
Time Required: 20 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating the report
To create the report
- In Zendesk Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Updates history, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- Now, create Standard calculated metrics to count the number of agent created tickets and the number of end-user created tickets. Click Calculations (
), then click Standard calculated metric.
- Copy the formulas below and paste each into the metric editor. Add a title for each metric like Tickets created by agents and Tickets created by end-users. The completed metrics will look like the screenshots below. Ensure you click Save each time you create a metric.
IF (([Changes - Field name]="status" AND [Changes - Previous value]=NULL)
AND ([Updater role] = "Admin" OR [Updater role] = "Agent"))
THEN [Update ID] ENDIFIF (([Changes - Field name]="status" AND [Changes - Previous value]=NULL) AND
([Updater role] = "End-user")) THEN [Update ID] ENDIF
Tip: If you're working in a language other than English, read this article to help you enter Explore formulas in your language. - In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, expand Calculated metrics, click the custom metrics you created, Tickets created by agents and Tickets created by end-users, then click Apply.
- Ensure the metric aggregators for your custom metrics are set to COUNT. For more information, see Choosing metric aggregators.
- In the Columns panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Time - Ticket created > Ticket created - Month, then click Apply.
Click the Ticket created - Month attribute and set the date range to This year. See Editing dates and date ranges for help setting a different date range.
- Click Visualization type (
), then select Column.
- Click Chart configuration (
), then click Chart.
On the Chart page, enable Stacked and Stacked: Percentage. Ensure that no other settings are ticked.
- Click Chart configuration (
), then click Displayed values.
- On the Displayed values page, change Show value to Show. Change Position to Outside.
The report is now complete. See the screenshot below as an example.
Bobby Koch
Hey @...
on my end, it is saying the data set is too large, even though, it literally cant be (looking at yesterdays data, there should only be a handful) and it looks kind of funny. Any advice?
Jordan Cousins
Hey Bobby Koch, make sure you're using the 'Support: Ticket Updates' data set.
I had the same problem (the text looking weird & invalid results) and realised I was using the wrong data set.
Jane Aussy Maglanque
I created this report: Tickets Created by Agents or End-Users
When I Decompose it, there are ticket numbers that are on the report that shows that the Agent created it but it is not. Can you please check and get back to me how to fix it?
Gab Guinto
Do you two metrics added to the query, one for agent-created tickets and one for end user-submitted? Or, are you slicing your your data by the attribute Submitter role? If the former, then it is expected that you'll see both metrics when you Decompose. All metrics added to the query are still displayed when you decompose a cell/value. Notice how the values under the metric columns are either be zero or 1 when you decompose by ticket ID.
If you need the transformed table from Decompose to only show one metric value, then I recommend that instead of having two separate custom metrics, you can build a custom attribute around Submitter role and add that attribute as slicer under Columns. When you select Decompose on one cell to see the Ticket IDs, for example, under the Agent/Admin column, the resulting table should only show the IDs of agent-submitted ticket.
DL Zendesk Administrator
Hi, if agents created a new ticket, what is the mail address that the end-user sees?
Gab Guinto
The support address that end users will see in the email notification will be the default support address of the account. Unless you set a different address when creating the ticket via the Select an address app.
Ester Marlasca
Is there a way to calculate the number tickets created by end-user in a defined time period? E.g. User 1 has created 2 tickets in the last six month, User 2 has created 1 ticket in the last six months, etc.
Zsa Trias
Hello Emarlasca,
You can create a report in the Tickets dataset to count tickets by Requester name, filtered by "Requester role: end-user", and use a dynamic filter for "Ticket created - date" to return only tickets that were created within the last 6 months.
Ester Marlasca
Hi, sorry but this is the metric I'm trying to calculate, it would be something like this:
Tickets Per Customer = Number of Tickets Received / Number of Unique Customers Interactions
Where we can understand the average number of tickets our end-users submit in a defined time period.
John-Paul Page
This is exactly what I am after also. To measure customer interactions and how many fall into duplicate contact.