In this recipe, you'll learn how to create a report to show the number of interactions your agents are having on tickets, both with end-users and with each other. The report counts the number of private and public comments made by agents.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time Required: 15 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
Creating the report
To create the report
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Updates history. The report builder opens.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Comments > Public comments and Comments > Internal comments, then click Apply.
- In the Columns panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Updater > Updater name, then click Apply.
- In the Filters panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Updater > Updater role, then click Apply.
- Click the Updater role filter you just added and then, on the Selected tab, tick Admin and Agent.
- When you are finished, click Apply.
- From the Visualization type (
) menu. choose Column.
- In the Chart configuration (
) menu, click Chart
- On the Chart page, enable Stacked and Stacked: Show total values.
- In the Chart configuration menu (
) click Displayed values.
On the Displayed values page, set Show value to Show, and set Position to Inside.
The report is complete. See the screenshot below for an example.
Next steps
You might want to edit the colors of the columns so that the displayed values are easier to read. To change them, click Chart configuration (), then Colors.
For more information about customizing the appearance of the report, check out Customizing reports.
Yuliia Support Team Lead
I am looking for a way to build a report on tickets, which had only 1 interaction with the customer (1 public comment) and the rest of the cases (>1 public interaction). Is there a way to do it in explore?
Brett Bowser
Hey Yuliia,
We actually have a recipe for One Touch Tickets that should get you the results you're looking for.
I hope this helps!
Jeff Callahan
Is there a way to filter where comment contains a specific string?
Taylor Bowser
Hi Jeff,
Unfortunately, the contents of ticket comments is not pulled into Explore so you would not be able to filter by a specific string.
Warm regards,
Dan Chikanov
Hello. Was wondering if someone can help me here asap.
I am trying to figure out how many Agent Public Comments & End User Public Comments have been made in a single day. When I run a report, unfortunately, it tallies up ALL of the comments a ticket have rather than on the day its actually been commented. For example, If i had a single ticket that was submitted on 4/6 with 2 end user comments and then we responded to them on 4/7 with 2 public agent comments, then on 4/8 we received a comment from the end user. It should tell me that on 4/8 this agent who worked on the ticket have 0 public comments, but on 4/7 they had 2.
My reports are unfortunately not doing this rather they are giving me the TOTAL
Hillary Latham
@... if you create a query using the Ticket Updates dataset (instead of the tickets dataset) you can filter by comments made by day (use attribute update date instead of create or solved date).
Paul Shaaf
Having exact same problem as Daniel Chikanov
Need to isolate agent updates vs ticket updates. zendesk - please advise
Jack Schuknecht
Could you please provide us with your Zendesk subdomain so we can confirm which account you're asking about? If you're not sure what your subdomain is, have a look at the URL you use to access Zendesk. For example, in, 'companyname' is the subdomain. You can also use our login reminder tool -- just enter your email and you'll be emailed your Zendesk address.
If you are not a current Zendesk customer, you might be trying to reach someone who uses our software to provide support. We make software that companies use to give their customers a way to contact them for support, but we don't actually provide support for their product.
Once we receive your reply, one of our agents will be happy to look into your request as soon as possible.
Brandon Tidd
Hey Paul Shaaf
Using the Ticket Updates data set, and a custom query, you can isolate End-User comments vs Agent comments as a metric, broken out by Update-Date as an attribute. Hope this helps!
Paul Shaaf
Hi Brandon Tidd, thanks but not sure this addresses the issue. I still see an Agent's name on tickets they've commented on outside of the date I am filtering for.
For example, I'd like to view how many tickets Angie the Agent has commented on today. I filter for Update Date - Today and select Agent comments as the metric with Updater name in the Rows section. But I still see a ticket (using Ticket ID) that may have been UPDATED today (via someone else's comment or an automated action) but the "Agent comment" is from 2 weeks before. Angie the Agent's comment still counts as a metric for today.
I just want to see how many times my agents have commented on tickets TODAY. Let me know if that makes sense and thanks for your help, Brandon Tidd.
Dan Chikanov
+1 to Paul Shaaf's comment. That is the issue I am running into, still.
Thanks for bringing this article back alive as I did not see Hillary Latham's comment since she did not "tag" me correctly.
Brandon Tidd
Dan Chikanov / Paul Shaaf,
To see who the updater was for that comment, try using the Updater Name attribute.
Paul Shaaf
Hi Brandon Tidd, if you refer back to my comment, you will see that I in fact am including the Updater name attribute and still experiencing the same problem.
Please let me know if you are still having any trouble at all understanding Dan Chikanov and I's issue. Thanks.
Brandon Tidd
Ahh Paul Shaaf apologies - misunderstood that line. Let me review with the moderator team and see what we can come up with. Thanks for your patience here!
Paul Shaaf
Brandon Tidd no worries. Let me know if easier to take this discussion offline.
Pedro Rodrigues
Hi everyone (esp. Paul Shaaf and Dan Chikanov), regarding this "how many Agent Public Comments & End User Public Comments have been made in a single day" issue, I think you'll need to create a custom attribute, for example:
This is a filterable date attribute that you can use in a report, which will allow you to only see the agent comments on a specific date.
For example, if I use this attribute for the 28th of October, I'll get valid data for an agent comment in a ticket created on the 12th:
You can then create a report that shows agent comments per date (i.e. date they commented) using this attribute, for example (and excluding the "-" value):
Hope this is what you're looking for!
Arthur Burgos
I'm trying to figure out the time when an agent takes the ticket from a group and adds their comment.
Are you pertaining to the timestamp when an agent have taken over a ticket and added the first comment? Or the total elapsed time from when the ticket was taken over to when a public reply was sent?
Arthur Burgos
Hi Dane,
I'm looking for both.
From the first of your choices, I'm looking for the timestamp and time elapsed when they have taken over and added their first comment after the ticket has been re-assigned to them.
For the timestamp on when the ticket was assigned, you can use the attribute First Assigned - Timestamp.
When it comes to the total elapsed time from the assignment to first public comment, we don't have a metric that can extract this data. You can also check the attribute First Reply time. It has the similar purpose. However, it will count the time from when the ticket was created. More information about metric and attributes can be found here Metrics and attributes for Zendesk Support.
Kai B
I'm trying to create a query that looks at tickets created, solved, reopened and # of public replies (sent by agents) for a team that deals with incoming emails
The first 3 are fine and working as expected, but I can't seem to get public replies to play ball - if I include the standard metric it includes all public replies including end-users, however, if I then filter by updater role - agent then it impacts the "created" metric as obviously the updater for that is not an agent
Is there something custom I can build so that I can see all 4 of these metrics within 1 query?
Brandon Tidd
Hi Kai B -
This is a great example of when a Standard Custom Metric will solve your problem!
While in the Tickets > Update History dataset, click the 'calculator' on the right side of your query editing box, select & name a new Standard Custom Metric
Adding this metric into your query should then produce your desired result without the filter.
Hope this helps!
Raluca Martin
Has anyone managed to comprise agent activity reports for both Support activity and Messaging in one place? I am trying to create a report that would display the entire activity of an agent daily (handled tickets and messaging tickets.
I have used the agent comment date custom field for comments however does not retrieve the messaging activity - only separate.
Gab Guinto
At this time, it's not possible to build a single report that contain agent activity in email tickets and messaging conversations. If you have access to custom reports, a workaround is to build the reports separately using the Tickets/Updates history dataset and the Messaging dataset, and then add the reports to a dashboard so that you can access them within a single tab/view.
Stacy Robinson
My leadership is looking for a report that list the tickets that a specific group has touched at least one time regardless if it was a public comment or private comment.