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Recipe: Using Liquid markup to set agent signatures

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Colleen Hall

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jan 14, 2025




I don't understand why ticket.requester.language is not possible to reference in liquid for agent signatures. If you have multilingual agents, it should be possible to have not just macros that change language with dynamic content, but also agent signatures. Am I missing something here?


Hey Zendesk experts,

I need to set up a custom disclaimer in an agent signature depending on the group that a ticket belongs. I thought I can use with dynamic content but you don't support 'ticket' in signatures. What can I use instead? 

And +1 to Luke's claim.


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Austin Killey

Zendesk Customer Care

Luke Alexander and Anton Olenev, thank you both for reaching out:

Luke - that's some super solid context, and I do have to agree on the use cases here being super important for multilingual agent signatures.  I'll have a workaround for you and Anton shared below, but if you haven't already, I absolutely want to recommend making your voice heard through a feature request in our feedback forums here. It'll be super important to have a Zendesk admin like yourself being the one to initially submit that feedback so our product teams can track it.

Anton and Luke - got you covered with a couple options here:

The most readily available and native option that we could throw in as an immediate workaround is relocating the text of agent signatures away from the *actual* agent signature area, and instead pasting it within your trigger email notifications, since we can thankfully use all the Liquid conditions and language-specific text we want in the email bodies of trigger notification actions.

For my personal recommendation though, I feel that both of you would be much better off with a 3rd-party option by using this Support app called Zignatures. Not only is it free, but it acts like a quick little text injector: You can add just about any Liquid or language conditions you can think of, and the Zignatures app can take over as the dedicated agent signature area.

That app also supports some HTML formatting as well, so not only could you set up multilingual signatures or condition-based text, but you could also use extra font/style HTML formatting beyond what our native agent signatures can do with Markdown language.   While Zendesk wouldn't be able to officially guarantee its performance, I use it often on my own and can vouch for it as a good solution here.

Thank you both for checking in here - let us know if you need anything else!


Is there any way to hide the signature in Agent Workspace? (With liquid markup perhaps?)


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Shayan,

You should be able to navigate to Admin Center > Workspaces > Agent Tools > Agent Interface and remove the agent signature text from there. 
You'll just want to make sure you hit the save button before exiting that page.
Let me know if that doesn't get you the results you're looking for.


Hello Brett Bowser

The setting you described just refers me back to the brand page, where I can set up signatures.

Just to be clear. What I want to achieve is, sending out the Signature to the customer. I just don’t want it to appear for the Agent in Agent Workspace.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Shayan,

Thanks for the clarification! I did some digging but I wasn't able to find a way to remove this from Agent Workspace at this time. I'd recommend creating a feedback post in our Feedback - Ticketing System (Support) topic since that topic is actively being monitored by product managers in charge of this functionality.
Let me know if you have any other questions in the meantime!


Detailed Question on this: having a clickable logo in our agent signature in the brand setting (that works already) but i need it to work dynamically, so eg. when customer language is german = logo should lead to / when customer language is english = logo should go to 

I assume this should be possible with liquid markup, BUT I am new to this - so hoping someone here can help. 

In brand setting "signature" right after the logo - can I just add something like this:

{% when 'Italiano' %}(
{% when 'German' %}(
{% when 'English' %}( 

Appreciate anyone trying to help out on this :) 

Kind regards,



Hi Austin Killey or anyone who can help,

We use 2 dynamic contents for the agent signature and we want to show different dc2 signature depending on the Ticket group. 


Ticket group=ABC:


[agent signature] = dc1

[Your "company_name" Team] = dc2


Ticket group=123:


[agent signature] = dc1

[Your "company_name" Team] = dc2


Share your feedback on XYZ!


How can we achieve this using the email notification trigger? I tried below but it does not show any signature at all after the actual agent comment. We removed the agent signature from the Brand settings by the way.

Thanks in advance.


Trigger email notification body:

Your request ({{}}) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.


{% if {{}} == 'ABC' %}
{% else %} 
{% endif %}


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Riah Lao

You are very close! It looks like you have {{}} when it shouldn't:

{% if == 'ABC %}
{% else %} 
{% endif %}



Hi Sydney Neubauer,

That kinda worked, but the signature is also displayed at the end of the entire thread. The dc markups are not displayed correctly too. This worked  before when the dc placeholder was directly from the Brands section. Any suggestions to fix that? Thanks!!



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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Couple of things:

1. DC formatting: Do you have any HTML formatting in you dc? There is a bug right now where formatting is showing. You have to add {{"}} in your DC so that it renders the text with the formatting. It is their temporary fix as right now, DC REQUIRES a placeholder in the DC to render formatting.

2. As for displaying the entire thread, that is due to the placeholder you are using: {{ticket.comments_formatted}}

You might want to change up the placeholder you use: Zendesk Support placeholders reference – Zendesk help

We use "{{ticket.latest_public_comment_html}}" and it shows the most recent comment. If you want to have the history of the thread included but only show most recent comment first, you can update your Email template to include " {{quoted_content}}". Customizing your templates for email notifications – Zendesk help



Thanks for your inputs Sydney Neubauer. We actually did not use the trigger anymore as we changed requirements. Instead of checking for ticket group, we want to fire it only for top agent performers so we used the agent organization field instead (as a workaround) to identify that:

We moved the if condition from the email notify trigger to the DC instead. However, if we check for agent.organization == "XYZ", it does not work. But if we do it like this below, it works:


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

Riah Lao I feel like the "agent.organization == "XYZ" should work so that may need to be reported to ZD to look into

But glad to hear you were able to get it to work


Hello! Was hoping someone on this thread could help, because I feel the answer is already here but I'm not able to interpret it for my own uses. We want to change the signature depending on ticket group. I'm trying this in dynamic content and then just using the {{dc.conditional_agent_signature}} placeholder in the brand signature. However, even when the ticket group is Site Support, I keep seeing the “else” option, and not the agent's specific signature. Can you spot something wrong with my markup?


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