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About search engine optimization (SEO) in the help center

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Jennifer Rowe

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




I have tried to access our sitemap, but the link doesn't work. I get the page cannot be found error. Has the location changed, or are there any configuration options that might change this?


Hi Heather –
Just to confirm, you've tried https://{your subdomain}, and that's not working?



our SEO-Monitoring Tool told us different problems we should optimize. One is, that we have many <images> without the necessary <alt> tag, it turns out, that the profile-pictures don´t have the alt-tag. Zendesk should change this.



One of our SEO concerns is the incomplete HREFLANG tag associated with our Help Center.  We do not utilize the multiple language features of the Help Center.  

Is there a way to modify the templates or code of the Help Center to remove or change the details of this tag?

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="{article_title}/>


This article mentions Canonicalization but the guide admin panel doesn't seem to offer the ability to use this type of tag.

Where do we set these up?


Hi, our Google Search Console is returning an error:

"Page is not indexed: Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user"

"User-declared canonical:"

"Google-selected canonical:"
If the indexation is automatic, how can I hope to solve this issue - can anyone help?


hello everyone!

currently, my XML sitemap automatically generated by Zendesk looks like this:

Do you know how I can solve it?


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Zendesk Engineering

You can try to convert it to another format so that you can read it directly. Perhaps a beautified JSON will work.


Any plan to add the option to edit the meta title and meta content of individual articles in the Zendesk Guide/Help Center?


I've seen issues with duplicate meta titles for articles that have the same page titles but belong to different categories. Is there a way the category can be inserted into the page title to prevent this? It would be really helpful if the document_head template can be modified to allow this customization. If this is already possible, can someone please provide an example code that will allow this to happen?


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