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Comparing features available in the dashboard builder

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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 25, 2025




We have global business and to follow laws of privacy data protection from each country, we cannot let country A agents to see the data of country B. 

Can Live data dashboard be flexible to show only country B's data to specific agents?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Qin,

The dataset permissions and other miscellaneous Explore permissions does not look like they can prevent agents from viewing the default Dashboards in Explore and this included the Default Live Dashboard, however, if this is a custom dashboard then you can decide who to share with and datasets may kick in there. 




Drill in appears to be completely missing as a feature on the beta. Is this an intentional change? 

Opening a report to full size also appears to be gone, is this something that is planned to return? 

How do we access Version Control? This is shown as a feature on this product but I can't find anything. 

EDIT: Hold up, does an X mean that you won't have that feature in these charts?? What is the difference between a checkmark and an X for reading these? 


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Gerald J

Zendesk Luminary

Since you will now have role permission per dashboard, will you make all dashboards visible to Admins? Shared or not


I seem to have an issue editing the dashboards from the Beta release. 
When I click on "edit" on a Beta dashboard, nothing seems to happen.

I can "create" infinite amount of Beta dashboards by clicking on the "try now" button with the banner on top. But once created I cannot edit them.


CJ Johnson X seems to mean that the feature is not considered in that state of release.

Which is rather odd, since that basically means a lot of features seem be be removed for 3 new features.

Especially for the bookmark feature this seems problematic since bookmarks helped a lot to sync filters across different datasets.



I am seeing the same issue Shayan mentioned - I can create beta Dashboards, but can't edit them. In addition, a bunch Zendesk Templates (named Teemplates) have been added to my Dashboard list that are inaccessible.

On another note - looking at some of the feature additions / removals from this list, it seems a lot of functionality will be lost altogether:

  • Hiding filters
  • Change metrics / attributes
  • Top / bottom
  • Tooltips
  • Legends
  • And more...

These are fundamental things used in my organisation currently in our Dashboards - particularly those shared with customers.

Is my understanding correct based on this table that these features will be gone once the new Dashboard Builder is released?

Best regards,



The block of text on my dashboard page that says, "Try out new improvements in Dashboard Builder beta" takes up over a quarter of the page and there's no option to click an x to get rid of this box. Therefore I can see far fewer of my dashboards at one time than I previously could. This is a major annoyance.


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

What exactly am I supposed to try?

Clicking "Try it now" creates a new dashboard which I can't do anything with. Clicking New dashboard just opens the regular dashboard builder.

Trying to look at the templates, or Teemplates, does nothing. They cannot be opened.

At the moment this "beta" looks more like a pre-alpha release.


This article is really unfriendly to the visually impaired. I'm not sure you're aware of this, but all the marks that indicate whether a feature is included or not, is an image with no alt text. This makes it impossible to tell what features are coming when if you can't see the images.  I was trying to build a version of this that was easier to tell what was going on, but it's not copy/past-able into a sheet because of all the images as well. This is making a lot of extra work for me, just so that I can take the information in this article and create a summary for affected teams of what features are being removed, that is accessible to everyone. 


Could you clarify what it means that you're removing "Legends" as a feature in the new builder? 
I'd also really like to know what "Other report settings" are being discontinued, as that sounds like it may have an impact down the road and I'd like to be sure of how it would effect our reporting. 


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello CJ Johnson, thanks for your feedback and questions. 
Below you can find the answers to your questions.

  • Drill in appears to be completely missing as a feature on the beta. Is this an intentional change? 
    • Support for Drill in will be available starting from the “General availability” phase
  • Opening a report to full size also appears to be gone, is this something that is planned to return? 
    • At this stage, it is not planned, but it might come in the future. Currently, you can select the report and click “More options” from the side panel. This will redirect you to the report builder and allow you to see the report in full size.
  • How do we access Version Control? This is shown as a feature on this product but I can't find anything. 
    • Version control is not currently available and will be shipped after the “General availability”
  • Could you clarify what it means that you're removing "Legends" as a feature in the new builder? 
    • We've removed the ability to configure from the dashboard builder how the legend is displayed however you can still configure it from the report builder.
  • I was trying to build a version of this that was easier to tell what was going on, but it's not copy/past-able into a sheet because of all the images as well.
    • Got it. We’ll check how we can allow this table to be easily exportable. 
  • I'd also really like to know what "Other report settings" are being discontinued
    • The dashboard builder will no longer support settings that are not listed in the “Component options” section however they will still be available in the report builder. 
    •  We decided to remove them as having them duplicate both on the dashboard and the report builder caused some inconsistencies. Some customers performing a change to the report from the dashboard builder were expecting to perform an update to the original report while this wasn’t the case. In order to simplify the report editing workflow, we decided to keep these settings exclusively on the report builder and to propagate any change to the new dashboard builder.



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Stephen, Shayan Moussawi and Tom Erik Skjønsberg, apologies for the inconvenience, I’ve checked with the team and you should now be able to edit the dashboards you’ve created with the new builder.

Regarding the features you’ve mentioned, I’ll try to shed some light:

  • Bookmarks: we haven’t yet made a decision on their availability. We are currently gathering interest in the importance of this feature here. Feel free to upvote the post and share how you use it.
  • Hiding filters: this feature is currently used to prevent viewers from seeing unnecessary data. “Restricted data” will replace hidden filters and allow to easily adapt the content of the dashboard based on the viewer that is accessing the dashboard.
  • Tooltips, Legends and Top/Bottom:  the ability to configure these settings will be kept in the report builder while we currently do not plan to have them in the dashboard builder. 
  • Change metrics / attributes: @Stephen, I would love to learn how you use them and why they are a key use case for your business. Would you mind sharing how you currently use them?



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Gerald J,
we are still defining how permissions will impact dashboard visibility for admins. I will come back to you once we have a clear scope of the feature.


Walter Bellante Hello  Walter,
Unfortunately not. The banner for creating Dashboards with the new Dashboard builder disappeared for my account. The two dashboard I created while it was still there, are not editable.


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Tom Erik Skjønsberg

Zendesk Luminary

Hi Walter Bellante

Bookmarks: If these disappear, then so do I as a Zendesk Explore user. There are no ifs or buts about that one. Zendesk has been telling us since the introduction of Explore to use bookmarks in dashboards rather than filters in reports. Removing the bookmarks would undo years of work, and if that happens I have no choice other than to view that as a mark of how valued customers are by Zendesk. Harsh maybe, but the truth.

Hiding filters: This is used together with bookmarks to make the reports useful for the viewers. So again this is something that is used extensively, and something I would expect to be kept.


Change metric is an important aspect. This would allow us to use one query/reporting with multiple metrics. 


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Erin O'Callaghan

Zendesk Documentation Team

In the beta dashboard builder, we’ve released four new templates that help you quickly create dashboards to report on historical (non-live) data:

  • Support solved tickets
  • Support resolution time
  • Support volumes
  • Support satisfaction

You can choose a template when you start creating your dashboard.


What stage is this project in? Is this General Availability stage? 


Hi Walter Bellante, I have the same question as CJ here. Currently working with the beta and works pretty well, just missing the drill-in function. Happy to hear that it is on the planning.



I have had the opportunity to play around with the new beta buiilder and it definitely seems like it will be much easier to build dashboards, however reiterating my comment from earlier in this thread, I can't help but feel like there is a substantial loss in features and control (even considering what is coming in the GA and Post-GA release cycle).

There is far less control over the filtering capabilities (cascading prompts, enable / disable multiselect, linking with other filters, display options) and a disappointing lack of options for styling data filters / text component / reports (headers primarily). Also the inability to resize the Dashboard pane is upsetting. These changes coupled with the loss of hidden filters / bookmarks feels bizarre.

With the changes in the new builder, I feel like we are losing the ability to build truly interactive, branded Dashboards.

I believe the new builder is a great starting point and should help reduce the learning curve for new users to Explore, but for people with experience on the platform are losing out. I sincerely hope the classic builder won't be going anywhere for sometime.


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Stephen,
thanks for sharing your thorough feedback and trying the beta.

Our objective is to reduce the learning curve and I am glad you felt the same while using this new experience.
I hear your concern about the features you currently use in the classic builder and I would like to address some of them:

- The ability to link multiple filters and set the dashboard width will be available before GA.
- The combination of hidden filters and bookmarks is being replaced with "Dashboard restrictions". The aim is to enable editors to maintain a single dashboard while having data dynamically adapted to their viewers. This feature is coming soon in Q1 and I can't wait to get your feedback about it.
- We are "Gathering interest" on the importance of bookmarks and we haven't yet made a decision. If you believe they are key for your business, feel free to share your thoughts in the post.

If you feel like there are other features that are key for your business and we haven't covered in the list above I would invite you to share them in a new post here. This would allow us to better capture your needs and weigh the importance of these features for other customers.



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Dear customers,
today I would like to share more than an update and give you the opportunity to get a sneak peek into dashboard restrictions.

I also want to reiterate that it will be available in Q1 ’23 as part of the beta builder.

Dashboard restrictions empower editors to dynamically adapt data to different audiences. As many of you requested, this includes the possibility of creating an individual agent dashboard where data will be dynamically adapted based on the viewer that is logged in.

I hope you’ll enjoy the preview.
I will keep you posted once the feature is available. 



  • Hiding filters: this feature is currently used to prevent viewers from seeing unnecessary data. “Restricted data” will replace hidden filters and allow to easily adapt the content of the dashboard based on the viewer that is accessing the dashboard.

    I have not encountered *any* organization using hidden filters this way, and I've literally worked on dozens of companies Zendesk's. This is a very strange approach to replacing this feature. 

    We use it to set the date range and groups that are shown. Say I want a report that shows how well each language team is doing, that's a ton of filter changes for every report dataset, so I bundled them all up, and set that as a bookmark. Then, they can use the bookmark to load English, Spanish, etc and see the corresponding results. I need all supervisors be able to load and switch seamlessly between these. How will I achieve this with "Restricted Data"? If I can't, this continues to be a dealbreaker and we will have to seek out alternative reporting products. 


Thanks for the feedback Walter Bellante.

Following CJ's comment above - the organisations I have worked with use Hidden Filters in that exact manner, in combination with Bookmarks. The demo for the Restricted Filters certainly looks interesting and I can see some use cases, but I don't see it resolving the loss of Hidden Filters / Bookmarks entirely.

In some scenarios, we don't want our internal teams to be aware of filters on some of the filters, as they are not all aware on how they adjust and affect the data shown. Instead we offer several different bookmarks for them to quickly jump between different sets of data.

With specific regard towards the Restricted Data functionality, if you have a set of filters configured on a per Viewer basis (as in the demo video), can that user adjust the filters present?

I am also hoping we see some more styling options brought forward in the beta Dashboard as well.


When is the plan to add Tabs?


We've just recreated a dashboard in the Beta builder and most things seem to be working. Only issue we have is that Top/Bottom manipulations aren't carrying through the dashboard, and there's no way for us to manipulate these directly in the dashboard. 

I notice from above that adding these result manipulations to the Dashboard isn't in the roadmap, but is there any way that we can recreate this functionality?


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Really loving the Dashboard Restrictions (finally gave me a reason to test this new Dashboard Builder out more) so that each agent can easily view their own stats without needing to filter. 

However, it seems that the Ticket ID property is no longer clickable (as in, allows you to click out to the ticket via "Open Link") when I add the report to my dashboard. Will this functionality be added once GA? I wasn't sure exactly where in this grid that would fall & also wanted to make sure that was expected.


What's the best way to show benchmark or team figures in the new Dashboard? As the option to exclude filters isn't live yet, whenever we switch to an agent's view, it filters all team data down to only show the agent's personal data. 

Is there any way to include these benchmark figures?


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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi D.Fitz,
That's an excellent question.
While we plan to introduce "Exclude filters" later before the GA, there's a short-term solution available.

As of now if you want to combine the agent view with the overall team data, you can create two restrictions:
  • A static dashboard restriction filtering data at the group/team level (e.g. Ticket Group = Group A)
  • A dynamic restriction on the “Assignee name” (e.g. Assignee name = "Based on viewer")

When an agent opens the dashboard, he can quickly move from one view to the other by using the dropdown in the top left corner.



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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Chandra Robrock,
thanks for sharing your feedback.

We've just enabled the possibility to open the link in the beta builder.



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