To help you make purchasing decisions, Zendesk provides you with links to compare Zendesk product plans and search for features in plans. You can use this information to help you decide which plan works best for you. Plan comparisons and feature lists are available for Zendesk Suite, Zendesk Support, and Zendesk Sell.
This article contains the following topics:
Comparing plans
When you’re deciding on a plan, it helps to compare plans and see the main features included in each plan.
To compare plans
When you’re deciding which Zendesk plan to buy after a trial, you’ll see a See all plans link on the plan description page. For example:
You'll also see a Compare plans button at the top of the trial home page.
- Click See all plans (or Compare plans).
A plan comparison page displays.
- Click through each plan to see a summary of the main features included in each plan.
Searching for features
If you have a specific feature or set of features in mind, you can filter the feature list to see which plans include those features. That way, you can make sure that the features you want are included in the plan you buy.
To search for a feature
- On the plan comparison page, click See all features.
A full list of plan features appears. You can scroll through the list to compare all the features in each plan.
- To search for a feature, enter the feature name in the search field (
As you type, you’ll see a drop-down menu list of terms that match what you entered.
- Pick a term from the drop-down.
You can select an Exact match or a Related feature.
The list is updated to show only the features that match what you have in the search field.
- You can continue to add more features to the search until you can see a comparison of all the features you’re interested in.
- To remove a feature from the list, click the x next to the feature in the search field.
To remove all the features at once and start over, click Clear.