16:29 UTC | 08:29 PT
After monitoring for some time, the fix is proving effective, and the widget to contact Zendesk Support is accessible once again. As such, this incident is now resolved. During the window of impact (2024-02-01 13:37 - 15:53 UTC), customers on pod 15, 26, and 29 may have noticed a similar issue loading their widgets.
16:09 UTC | 08:09 PT
We have implemented a fix for customers being unable to reach out to our support team. Please refresh your browser and try again. We will provide another update when we have more information.
15:51 UTC | 07:51 PT
We are aware of customers being unable to reach out to the Zendesk Support team using our messaging widget and investigation is already undergoing. We will provide another update shortly.
For current system status information about your Zendesk, check out our system status page. The summary of our post-mortem investigation is usually posted here a few days after the incident has ended. If you have additional questions about this incident, please log a ticket with us via ZBot Messaging within the Widget.