As an agent, you can access Zendesk QA to see feedback on your work, including ratings and comments left on your conversations, as well as to confirm that you have seen the feedback.
You can learn more in this article or by watching this overview video.
This article contains the following sections:
- Signing in to Zendesk QA
- Understanding received reviews
- Managing disputes
- Updating personal settings
- Using the Dashboard
Signing in to Zendesk QA
To sign in to Zendesk QA
- Use the link in your email invitation to sign in for the first time.
- Choose one of the following sign in methods: Gmail, Slack, Magic link, or email and password. The fastest options are Gmail or Slack. If you select the magic link option, you'll receive an email with a link for signing in.
Understanding received reviews
When you first sign in to Zendesk QA you're in the Activity page.
Here, you can see all the feedback left for you, including comments, ratings, and disputes.
The icons next to the conversation subject indicate whether a conversation has a positive or a negative rating overall, and whether it has a comment. If you want, you can filter conversations with comments.
In this page you can also check survey feedback (CSAT or CES) and reactions to reviews or replies.
To view feedback on a conversation
- Select a conversation from the list that has received feedback.
- Click through to the original conversation.
- Copy the review link to share it.
- View the overall review score, comments, and category ratings. There might be a review on the whole conversation or on a specific message. Click the message to view the score, comments, and ratings.

Managing disputes
If you don't agree with the rating scores, you can suggest a new rating for a category, although this is not mandatory. You can also leave a comment for the reviewer, which is mandatory when disputing. Your dispute can be sent to the initial reviewer or escalated to someone else, such as a Workspace manager.
To manage a dispute
- Suggest a new rating for a category (optional).
- Leave a comment for the reviewer (mandatory).
- Send the dispute to the initial reviewer or escalate it to a Workspace manager.

The reviewer can see your suggestions on their ratings and can accept or reject the dispute.

Besides the review itself, reviewees can also be disputed and can suggest another agent who should receive the rating.
Workspace managers, Account managers, or the Admin of Zendesk QA can also create disputes if necessary. Notifications are sent to both the dispute creator and the dispute resolver.
Updating personal settings
In personal settings, you can do any of the following:
- Edit personal settings
- Switch the account (if you are part of several accounts in Zendesk QA)
- Sign out
Personal settings include:
- General settings, such as your name and email.
- Notifications where you can choose how often you want to receive new feedback email notifications. You can also connect your Slack account to receive notifications there.
- Sign ins where you can add additional sign in options, such as email, Slack, or Gmail.
- Reset Password.
- New Account where you can create a new account.

Using the Dashboard
The Dashboard displays your personal performance information as a summary.