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Feature Request: Additional attributes for User Segments
Posted Nov 17, 2021
Feature Request Summary:
Zendesk should create new Guide User Segments attributes, including access to custom user fields available in Support.
Description/Use Cases:
There are other, more granular attributes that would be better for creating User Segments with. Tags are inflexible, as they cannot be assigned programmatically to users in Zendesk. Organizations suffer a similar issue.
Specifically, in our case, our SSO provider (Okta) effectively resets both tags and organizations when it pushes an update to Zendesk. However, we do map attributes in our HRIS system through Okta to Zendesk. This data is much more helpful in determining permissions than tags and orgs alone.
This feature would allow our team to have a much more robust internal knowledge base, and cut down on the amount of disparate resources we have floating around and need to maintain.
Business impact of limitation or missing feature:
It is difficult to manage knowledge base permissions when Zendesk is used for internal systems, especially in conjunction with tools that have the potential to overwrite or reset data, such as SSO tools. Having access to more granular fields would enable Guide to be significantly more flexible permissions-wise.
Aaron C.
I agree with this. Tags or organizations as attributes feels weird. Roles or groups would be a step in the right direction. I'm having a hard time deciding the best way to take away the ability for light agents to articles in Guide. Not to mention, the management permission carry across all brands. I'm not even sure its possible to have separate groups of people editing articles based on brand.
Ryan McGrew
Thanks for you feedback here. As far as I'm aware, tags are a valid attribute that can be passed via your IDP to Zendesk via SSO SAML assertions. If you can set those tags via the IDP, then the IDP will need to be the source of truth for that data. There's some additional information on this in our SAML guide under “Obtaining additional user data”.
However, I also understand the request more generally that having more flexibility to define user segments on user fields and other attributes would be useful to you and I can understand your use case. As of right now, we do not have the improvement planned on our 1 year product roadmap.