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What is the Triggers on custom objects EAP?
Posted Oct 23, 2023
The triggers on custom objects EAP allows you to create and execute triggers based on your own data, all within the Zendesk interface.
You can build trigger conditions based on fields from a custom object. Using fields from a custom object in your trigger conditions no longer requires the custom object to have a relationship with the ticket object. Additionally, you can create trigger actions to set or update the value of fields on the same custom object.
By using your custom data in triggers, you can create efficiency in your workflows, customize your workflows using data most important to you, and optimize where your resources dedicate their time.
How object triggers work
A ticket is not required in an object trigger. A custom object record must be created or updated for an object trigger to fire. When a custom object record event occurs, any triggers that exist for that object are evaluated. After all of that object's triggers are evaluated, one update is made to the record with all applicable changes. If there are two applicable actions that set a value for the same field, the last write will be the one you see.
How to use object triggers
In order to use the EAP, you’ll need to have created at least one custom object with at least one field. Once you’ve created a custom object you’ll navigate to Objects and rules > Business rules > Triggers. There are two tabs on the triggers page, Ticket and Object, select the Object tab.
For more information, see Creating and using object triggers (EAP).
Building object trigger condition statements
Similar to triggers on tickets, object trigger condition statements consist of categories, field operators, and condition values that vary depending on the category. To build an object trigger condition statement, an object must first be selected from the Trigger object drop down. Once the object is selected, the related fields will populate in the condition drop down. An object trigger will fire when a custom object record is created or updated that matches the condition statements.
Building object trigger action statements
Action statements define what occurs if all the condition statements are true and your object trigger fires. For the EAP, object triggers can only perform actions on the object selected to build the trigger. Use the Action builder to add an action. Select the field from the custom object to set in the action and enter the desired value.
More resources
For more information about object triggers, see Creating and using object triggers (EAP). If you need help getting started with custom objects, a prerequisite for this EAP, see Custom object resources.