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iOS - Zendesk Support SDK - iOS 12 crashes on latest SDK version - 8.0.2

Publicado 10 may 2024

I recently updated our ZendeskSupportSDK from 6.1.4 to 8.0.2 and started getting crashes when testing on an iOS 12 device. The console error:

SwiftUI.framework - SupportSDK.framework/SupportSDK
  Reason: image not found

This is a known issue found when building with Xcode 15. More details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57907817/dyld-library-not-loaded-swiftui-when-app-runs-on-ios-12-using-availableios-13

Because we support users with iOS 12, we wont be able to update our version of the SDK until this is resolved.

Thanks for your understanding and support.



6 comentarios

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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Erik! From the post that you linked, it looks like the workaround is to add some flags to the build…have you tried that?


The issue persists even in the latest version of the official sample app, with Cocoapods used as the dependency manager. Additionally, the solution proposed by Erik Bye does not resolve the crash. Erik Bye's solution involves adding a build settings parameter for projects using the SwiftUI library. However, for crashes caused by the ZendeskSupportSDK, it is not possible to set this flag in the build settings of the SupportSDK.framework/SupportSDK, as access to the build settings of this framework is not available for public usage.

In my opinion, you need to fix this problem in your next releases by adding the “-weak_framework SwiftUI” value in the “Other Linker Flags” in the Build Settings of the project for SupportSDK.framework.

To reproduce this crash, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the master branch of the Zendesk iOS sample app on GitHub: https://github.com/zendesk/ios_sdk_demo_apps/tree/master
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Open the SupportSDKSamples/CocoaPodSample.xcworkspace file.
  4. Run the CocoaPodSample target.
  5. Observe the crash.


Wanted to follow up on this. I see that 8.0.3 has been released, but there's no mention of iOS 12 support fix. As Uladzimir mentioned, the fix should be for Zendesk to add the other linker flags to SupportSDK.framework.


Please advise.


@Greg Katechis, do you have any other advice here? How can I escalate this to the appropriate support channel? Thanks.


It's frustrating that this was fixed in 8.0.4 but not communicated here.


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Erik,
Apologies for any frustration.  We're currently addressing how these posts related to known issues are organized internally so that we can more effectively communicate status updates to them.  Also in cases where you need more urgent assistance, I encourage you to contact our support team directly using options 2 or 3 outlined in Contacting Zendesk Customer Support.


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