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Existing ticket forwarded by user to another Support address in Zendesk

Publication le 29 nov. 2024

Hello everyone! Hoping someone has a solution or lend some insight. I have frequently come across an issue where a user sends an email ticket to Group A and then based on Group A's response, will then FORWARD the email to Group B's support email address but the ticket never gets to Group B and stays in Group A. Is there a way so that users can forward a ticket to a new group with out the originating group having to updated the Assignee? This is because sometimes the ticket needs to move to a different group but the current assigned group won't know exactly WHO to send it to based on the requesters resolution preference, if that makes sense. Thanks!



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Noelle,
Thank you for reaching out! We understand the challenge you're facing when users forward emails to a different group, causing tickets to remain within the original group.
Currently, within Zendesk, tickets are assigned to groups based on the original email source. When a user forwards a ticket, it can often lead to confusion regarding the assignee. To help resolve this, we recommend the following:
  1. Group Reassignment: Encourage users to use the “Assign to Group” feature within the ticket interface, if they have the permissions. This allows them to select the appropriate group directly without forwarding emails.
  2. Utilize Triggers: Set up triggers in Zendesk that automatically reassign tickets based on certain keywords or conditions in the original email or ticket content. This may help to route tickets correctly based on requester needs.
  3. Documentation for Users: Consider creating a brief guide that instructs users on the best way to escalate or forward issues to other groups, ensuring tickets are handled efficiently.

    You may check this articles for reference:
    Workflow: Auto-assigning tickets to a specific agent or group
    Creating groups
If you need more tailored solutions or further assistance with setting up these features, feel free to reach out!


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