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Custom Ticket Fields with Support SDK V2?

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Data ultimo post: 30 lug 2021

Hey all,

I am trying to customize the ticket form displayed in our iOS app within the Support SDK. Is this a supported feature? I have searched through the docs and forums, but the only mention I can find of it was that it would be supported in the Support SDK V2...three years ago.

I am using the ticketFormId field along with customFields, but those don't change the display of the ticket form within the app. I don't get any errors from the SDK with logging enabled. So I am stuck here - is this just not supported? And if not, why not? Do we have to build a completely custom UI just to support more fields on a ticket?



3 commenti

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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Jason,

The RequestUiConfiguration class allows you to pass custom field data, that you've already retrieved, to the config.  But our UI does not display the fields.  Doing so would require a custom UI.  We demonstrate doing so in our sample app.  Feel free to use it as a starting point.



Christopher Kennedy So I would need to recreate my ticket form of about 25 fields that show / hide other fields based on the previous selections inside my iOS app?


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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Brian,
That's correct.  The majority (if not all) of those conditional ticket fields are custom fields.  And the UI provided by the Support SDK does not include custom fields.  Depending on your use case, it may be simpler to have your custom UI focus specifically on the essential custom fields needed for the initial submission of the mobile request.


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