Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation
Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.
Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address. This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.
Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.
I managed to overcome this issue by using forwarding rules.
I have an operational agent which I use for general actions such as that.
I schedule the report/dashboard to be set to him and add forwarding rules in this user inbox to forward this report to any end-user.
This also works of forwarding to mailing groups, so if a few people need the same report/dashboard, you can set your forwarding rule to a mailing group.
Hope that helps
Alon Hodir
@Avi Is there an option to send an email to the Cc as soon as the ticket is created?
Currently, the Cc is email only when there is a respond to the ticket.
Kate Lim
Hi @Kristen,
Would there be any updates regarding this feature?
- Kate
Kristen Mirenda
Hi @Kate, there is no further update at this time. While we're are making progress on some foundational functionality, this feature per se is not currently on the roadmap, and I do not have an estimate of if and when it will be.
Avi Warner
@alon unfortunately not that I can figure out :/
The app works by adding CCs via target as the ticket is created, but by the time your 'Notify Requester of Received Request' trigger, or the internal triggers that notify CCs fire, the CC isn't yet in place.
Brian McGinley
I know there seems to be movement on this feature as recently as last year, but it is so disheartening that this feature request is over 9 years old and still hasn't come to light. My only fear is when you finally do get the option in place it will be at the low low price of $25 per user per month for the rest of our lives...
That all being said, We really could use this feature for all the reasons stated above. I have Organization leaders who want to know all of the tickets their team is submitting and if they could be triggered as a CC, it makes this more fool proof than having to circle back every time.
David Andrews
Avi created that feature. It is a $5 one-time fee. You can get the app here https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/carbon-copier/
If you would also like to generate read receipts when your customers open their email, you can get this app: https://www.zendesk.com/apps/support/my-read-receipts/
Brian McGinley
David, Thank you! Purchased it.
I'll admit I have not read all the replies, but I came up with a kludge that works and adds CC emails if you have access (not sure what subscription level uses Notify Targets).
- Go to Admin; Settings; Extensions.
- Create a new HTTP target.
- URL: https://trendkitehelp.zendesk.com/api/v2/requests/{{ticket.id}}.json
- Method: PUT
- Content Type: JSON
- Enable basic authentication. I use my username/password (password is hidden) but I have not tried using an API token instead. I don't think admin is needed and though the user access was enough, but it failed without this.
- Click "Update Target" at bottom right and submit.
Now create a trigger with your required parameters and for actions choose "Notify Target" using the target you created above. For the JSON add the following:
"request": {
"email_ccs": [
{ "user_email": "first@example.com","action": "put"},
{ "user_email": "second@example.com","action": "put"}
You can add more CCs, but remember if you have just one to remove that comma.
I'd recommend you do step-testing first. For example, replace the {{ticket.id}} with a real ID and instead of update use "Test Target" and paste your JSON. Look at the result and make sure the email CC is updated and then check the ticket CC to ensure the API PUT is working. If that works works, "Update Target" and create a Trigger that updates that Ticket, this time with a different email address to ensure the Trigger is running the API PUT. If that works, update the target back to {{ticket.id}} and update your Trigger back to the correct parameters and emails addresses.
Brett Bowser
Thanks for sharing this alternative John!
This is great :)
Uri Flores
Any update on this?
Christian Henkel
Is there any way to realize an general CC to all send tickets with the essential plan?
John's alternative seems to be working only with the team plan. The tool of Avi is throwing an error when I try to install: Ressource ist missing.
Gasper Jubani
We also badly need this feature. We use Zendesk for internal support and need to be able to set rules to auto Cc folks based on what email address the ticket was received.
Avi Warner
@Christian, that’s right, I’m not sure my app will work on Essential plan. If you were able to purchase, please reach out to me via email and I can help w a refund.
@Gasper, take a look at my app (Carbon Copier), it should be able to take care of that use case.
Rob Wentz
John Witt -
Thanks for posting your kludge. I'm trying this and will report back if it works out for us.
Avi Warner
Quick note, my app (Carbon Copier) does not work with the new Followers feature. I'm working on an updated version compatible with both, but please don't install right now if you have activated Followers. Thanks!
Phil Sexton
All I need is to be able to add 2 CC's to an automated email (Macro) to say that they have contacted the wrong department and then close the ticket. The reason that I have to add them in by CC is because they cannot see the ticket details any other way.
If you have another way for my non agent staff to see tickets for a particular brand, that would also fix my issue.
Andrew J
Hello Phil, there could be a way to effect what you are after without adding them as CCs. You can send me more detail or contact me on Bizstudio.co.nz, happy to discuss this.
Rob Wentz
John Witt -
Your steps are easy enough to follow... but it's not seeming to work. I created an HTTP target (called "CC non-agents") using the instructions you provided, then call that target from a trigger that is supposed to add (as a test) my gmail address to the cc list if the word "test" shows up in the subject of the ticket.
I've sent some test emails to our zendesk ticket with the work "test" in the subject but my gmail address does not get cc'd
I see 0 successful sends on the HTTP target.. I'm curious - what username/password should I be using under Basic Authentication of the HTTP target? I'm using my zendesk login and I'm an admin.
If i set the combo box at the bottom to "Test target" then hit "Submit", I'm presented with a window that states "JSON body:" at the top with 1x blank line (nothing in the JSON window).. I hit "Submit again and I get:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Under the "Response" tab I see:
what am I doing wrong here?
Andrew J
Zendesk email and password should be correct. You don't have SSO or anything?
Rob Wentz
Yes, Zendesk log-in is SSO...isn't it?? Did you mean 24a?
Andrew J
I'm not sure that it works with sso. I hadn't even thought of 2FA.
Rob Wentz
aren't zendesk login credentials single sign on? Am i misunderstanding you perhaps?
Andrew J
Sso normally means you are signing in through another system
Rob Wentz
Andrew - got it.. no i'm using just my zendesk credentials, nothing out of the ordinary.. the unique username and password I use to log in to our zendesk system is what I'm filling in under the Basic Authentication section of the HTTP target i've set up per John Witt's kludge described a few posts back
Andrew J
It should be an email - not a username right?
Rob Wentz
Hi Andrew, yes that's correct. my login is my email address.
Andrew J
Ok, there may be a setting you need to change. Sorry I am not at my PC to look currently. It's Saturday here 🙂
Andrew J
Check under security settings on your profile, and perhaps the account level. I do have some of these operating so should have the right settings if I can find them.
James Pitcher