Chat widget only appears after hover-over
For myself and most people I've spoken with, the chat widget appears immediately or within a few seconds of loading our webpage.
However, one of my coworkers reports that she has to hover over the bottom right corner before the widget will show. The Zendesk support team asked me to have her update her browser (Chrome) and disable any extensions. She did update Chrome, and it's still not working. She's not interested in further troubleshooting with me on it, but I believe there might be a bug and I'm just posting the topic so that if others are seeing the same thing, they can chime in and possibly identify the cause.
Viktor Osetrov
Thanks a lot for your question. Technically it can be related to web performance issues for your coworker.
We highly recommend checking your webpage via web page performance tools such as
Google Lighthouse - https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse
Page Speed - https://pagespeed.web.dev/
Please take a look at our general recommendations on how to increase your site's loading speed, optimize it:
Hope it helps,