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가입한 날짜: 2021년 4월 16일


마지막 활동: 2024년 2월 06일





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님의 최근 활동 Oli

Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Business rules

Does the Hours Since Assignee Update condition refer to:

  1. Hours since the assignee was changed, OR
  2. Hours since the assignee made an update to the ticket?

If the former, then will the automation run if a ticket goes from being assigned to a group to being assigned to an agent within that group? IE Assignee: Tier 1 → Assignee: Tier 1/Greg Smith?

댓글 보기 · 2023년 2월 06일에 게시됨 · Oli







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커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)


I particularly agree with suggestions 1 and 3. Per Zendesk's own documentation, administrators should be "[reviewing their] queue of suspended tickets regularly", but there are few tools available for admins and agents to manage this easily, especially for enterprise organizations who may generally receive a lot of spam even with the blocklist.

For the sake of feature parity, if these suspended emails are going to be placed in a view, and that view is accessed in the sidebar like all of the others, then we should be able to configure it and action it like a traditional view, including making changes via triggers. 

댓글 보기 · 2022년 11월 18일에 게시됨 · Oli







Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Developer - Zendesk APIs

I came here looking for the same thing that @... has asked about.

Edit to add: Found what I was looking for here: https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/introduction/requests/#status-codes. They're referred to as "status codes" rather than "errors".

댓글 보기 · 2022년 10월 21일에 편집됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

커뮤니티 댓글 Feedback - Community Forums (Gather)

Thanks, Marjana! I suspect that there are a decent number of feedback posts that are highlighting the same issue, but we don't know for sure because they're not really collated. And this means any individual post could make an idea look less popular than it actually is. I think making these changes would increase everyone's voting power.

댓글 보기 · 2022년 9월 22일에 편집됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Team members and groups

댓글 보기 · 2022년 8월 22일에 게시됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Team members and groups

I think the word "access" on the role settings page in Admin Center is throwing me off, so I want to make sure I clearly understand this part:

If the checkbox is unchecked, an agent will only be able to assign tickets to groups they belong to. Once the ticket is reassigned AND the agent is not part of that group, that ticket is no longer visible to that agent.


[✔️] Tickets within their groups and all public groups AND
[✔️] Assign tickets to any group (Can assign tickets to groups they don't belong to, including private groups),

THEN an agent who is in public group A and private group B can view tickets assigned to public group C, can assign tickets to private group D, but cannot view or search for tickets assigned to private group D. Is this accurate?

If I want a role to be able to view, search for, and assign tickets to any public group but not any private groups, then they should be set up as follows:
[✔️] Tickets within their groups and all public groups AND
[     ] Assign tickets to any group (Can assign tickets to groups they don't belong to, including private groups)

Is this also accurate?

댓글 보기 · 2022년 8월 10일에 게시됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Ticket management

I tried to leave this comment on the "Viewing and recovering deleted tickets" article, but was continually running into a 403 error telling me I didn't have permission, so I hope this is okay:

I'm unclear on how we can find and view specific deleted tickets since they're removed from search results. Here is the scenario:

We have a lot of deleted tickets. I need to review a ticket that was deleted, and I have the ticket's ID. I do not know if it was deleted within the last 30 days (and thus still available) or if it's been permanently removed already. The error message that you receive when trying to view a deleted ticket via direct URL is identical to the error message you receive when trying to view a permanently deleted ticket via URL.

I cannot view the deleted ticket via its direct URL, and I cannot search for the ticket using its ID. It seems like the only way to actually find this ticket -- short of manually reviewing every page in the Deleted Tickets view -- is to try to restore the ticket via the API and see if I get an erroneous HTTP response. Is that correct?

댓글 보기 · 2022년 8월 05일에 게시됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Feedback - Community Forums (Gather)

Current State
The best way for Zendesk customers to communicate product feedback is to post to the Community and vote for existing feature requests. However, there's so much variability in how users put up their feedback that it's difficult to determine whether someone else has already made a post about the same feature and is suggesting the same solution you have in mind.

The Product Feedback Post Template and the Product Feedback Guidelines are helpful, but they're not enforced. This means Zendesk customers have to sift through multiple pages of already existing posts before making their own or get very creative with a few different search queries. 

Use Case
A Zendesk admin wants to give feedback on a popular feature. Per Zendesk Community guidelines, they want to avoid making a duplicate post for the same feature and putting forth the same suggestion as someone else, so as to not split votes between two posts.

If I search for {{Feedback triggers multiple conditions}} in the Community right now, I get back nearly 1,000 results. If I make the search more specific by narrowing it down to type:Community and topic:Feedback - Ticketing System, there are still 93 results. Some of these posts mention triggers, but are not explicitly about that feature.

Rather than one open text box, feedback and feature requests should be guided using multiple required fields similar to a customer-facing Support form. This could include separate fields for:

  • Title
  • Product Area (Dropdown - Support, Talk, Gather, etc)
  • Feature(s) (Dependent on the aforementioned dropdown - triggers, call routing, post notifications, etc)
  • Description of the current state
  • Why doesn't this work? What is the workaround?
  • Description of the ideal state
  • Specific use case

This way, I can make the search query from my example even more specific by looking only for posts that match type:Community, topic:Feedback - Ticketing System, Feature:Triggers.

I think it would also be extremely helpful to have a set list of tags that can be added to posts and comments across all parts of the Community to make them easier to find, such as #feedback, #feature_request, #suggested_workaround, etc. Being able to quickly filter a very popular feedback or feature request post to see if anyone else has found a way around the blocker would be helpful!

2022년 7월 25일에 편집됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 댓글을 입력함

댓글Formatting and customizing your email

Does Zendesk "mask" the original <img src> used once it's added to the theme? We have 2 .png files in the header of our email templates (one on the left, one on the right) and the image URLs are local to Zendesk: 

https://theme.zdassets.com/theme_assets/2281851/{long string of numbers and letters}.png

We created these templates years ago and I'm trying to find links to the original files. I thought, at first, that the URL was referencing the "assets" folder in the theme of one of our Help Center brands, but the files haven't been uploaded there.

댓글 보기 · 2022년 4월 07일에 게시됨 · Oli




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Oli님이 에 게시물을 만듦

게시물 Feedback - Admin Center

Feature Request Summary: 

The Roles page in the new Admin Center should allow admins to filter roles by that role's individual permissions, similar to the way that I can filter all articles in Guide Admin by their author, approver, labels, etc.

Description/Use Cases: 

We have several work functions that are enabled by different Zendesk roles. Business needs change, and a group of agents needs different permissions for People and Agent Workflow than what they have currently. We don't have a quick and easy way to double-check what their new Zendesk roles should be based on what those roles' permissions are.

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

For us, this is only a moderate need. We have 21 roles to manage, and while it may be inconvenient, it's not a drain on resources.

We can't completely manage this with descriptions, since that only shows about 107 characters with spaces and punctuation. Right now, I keep a Google spreadsheet that outlines the individual permissions for each of our roles.

Other necessary information or resources:

There are ~35 individual permissions options defined here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408882153882.

2022년 1월 10일에 편집됨 · Oli




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