CORS issue with Upload / Request API and no file attached
已于 2021年4月06日 发布
I've tested the CURL snippet written below and it all works well, but I have an issue when I try to translate that in jsx code for react/axios api calls.
curl "https://<removed>.zendesk.com/api/v2/uploads.json?filename=test-image.png" \ -v -u <removed>/token:<removed> \ -H "Content-Type: application/binary" \ --data-binary @test-image.png -X POST
How should the above code be written to send an uploaded file to the zendesk dashboard?
With the code written below, I get a CORS issue. I've tried to add 'Allow origin * .... ' to the Headers, but no luck.
Do I need to use the username/token in the upload object to avoid CORS or it's not necessary? Also, I've tried with Postman and when I check the ticket in the ZendDesk dashboard, there is no attachment. Am I missing something?
headers: {
.then(res => {
axios.post("https://<removed>.zendesk.com/api/v2/requests.json", {
headers: {
request: {
requester: {
subject:this.state.fields.job + " Position",
comment: {
upload: [`${res.data.upload.token}`]
} ...... not important ...
6 条评论
Greg Katechis
Hi there! I have a few questions/comments to get us started here:
Thanks for answering.
Greg Katechis
Ok, got it...in the example I saw a jpg reference. Regardless, are you converting these files to base64? Since you're using application/binary for the upload, it will be expecting a binary format.
Regarding the CORS error, that response is indicative that the header was not present on the request. Could you share the code that you used, along with the response when the header was present?
Hi Greg,
Sorry, I didn't realised that the example had a jpg.
Re: Base 64 - No, I'm not converting the file to base64. I've always handled dataform, never binary, I didn't realised I had to convert it myself first. Is this the reason why there is no attachment in the ZendDesk?
Re CORS - The API calls I make are those added at the beginning of this thread. The api call for the Upload first, then the Request. For my understand on the CORS error, it happens with the Request. Here is the response
cache-control: "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"
content-length: "1023"
content-type: "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
adapters: ....
data: ....
Accept: "application/json"
Content-Type: "application/json"
maxBodyLength: -1
maxContentLength: -1
method: "post"
timeout: 0
transformRequest: [ƒ]
transformResponse: [ƒ]
url: "https://<removed>.zendesk.com/api/v2/uploads?filename=Test Doc CV.pdf"
validateStatus: ƒ validateStatus(status)
xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN"
xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN"
Also have Data and Request, but I don't think you need those.
Hi Greg,
I've cleaned the code up a little bit, added a script to convert the file to base64 and all of the sudden I don't have the CORS issue anymore, BUT, there is no attachment when the Request is displayed on the Zendesk dashboard.
It seems I am missing a step to attach the file to the Request. I thought a simple comment: { body: '', upload: [token]} was enough, but apparently I am wrong. Am I missing something?
Question about the comment: {upload: [token]}. Is this token the one generated by the Upload API for each uploaded file, or it's the token from the Zendesk Dashboard console?
I re-post here my code:
I have found the issue. The reason why there wasn't an attachment, it's because I wrote:
instead of:
A missing 's' on upload screwed me over. An error message would had been nice thou'.