Skipping copy phase strip warnings for simulator builds when integrating with Swift Package Manager
已于 2021年10月26日 发布
We've integrated the following libraries via Swift Package Manager:
ZendeskCommonUISDK 6.1.1
ZendeskCoreSDK 2.5.1
ZendeskSupportProvidersSDK 5.3.0
ZendeskSupportSDK 5.3.0
ZendeskSDKMessaging 1.2.1
ZendeskMessagingAPISDK 3.8.2
ZendeskSDKConfigurationsSDK 1.1.8
When building for the simulator, we're getting 51 warnings (!!!) similar to this one:
warning: skipping copy phase strip, binary is code signed: /Users/MyUser/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-gkiayxxgurojvpfmbabgsonqkscl/SourcePackages/checkouts/sdk_logger_ios/ZendeskSDKLogger.xcframework/ios-arm64_i386_x86_64-simulator/ZendeskSDKLogger.framework/ZendeskSDKLogger (in target 'ZendeskSDKStorage' from project 'ZendeskSDKStorage')
Is there any way to fix/silence these warnings when building for the simulator? Or is our only option to manually integrate the Zendesk libraries?
1 条评论
Greg Katechis
Hi Charles Scalesse, apologies for the delay on this question. In my experience, these warnings can be silenced by setting "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" to no, under your project's. Since you aren't able to strip debug symbols from code that is signed, you'll need to skip this step. Let me know if this works for you!