Feature Request: Build Reports with information out of two datasets
已于 2023年12月12日 发布
We're want to build up a report with information out of two different datasets. In particular we want to count incoming emails (public comments from enduser) by filtering after email address received:
Metric --> COUNT (Öffentliche Kommentare) – (total number of public comments, for tickets received by email)
Filter --> Ticket Creation Date, Requester (Enduser)
Rows --> Email Address of Comment (at the moment there is the possibility to use the email address of ticket only) – (filtered to the specific email addresses)
This is already discussed with Premier Support, but at the moment there is no possibility to build a report like this.
4 条评论
Shawna James
For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Jamie Berges
Hi Shawana,
sure I will try to explain shortly, what specific used case we're need:
Our concern in this case is to check, which of our email addresses the customer uses to contact us. Therefore, we need to be able to filter, which public comments of an end user were sent to which email address if the public comment is an email.
This is not possible because I don't have a dataset, where I can see everything at the same time.
If I use the Support_Update-History dataset, for example, I can make the following setups:
Metric --> COUNT (Public comments) - (total number of public comments, for tickets received by email)
Filter --> Ticket Creation Date, Requester (Enduser)
But I can't filter by received email address of comment in the rows, only by mail address of ticket. By email adddress of comment is only possible in another dataset where I can't apply the metric and the filters from above.
Therefore we need a report in which I can combine two datasets.
Shawna James
Wojciech Smajda
Jamie thank you for your message.
We are aware of this requirement and have analyzed its impact. However, at this time, we cannot commit to including it in our short-term roadmap.