Add callbacks and message sending to web widget JavaScript SDK for messaging
已于 2024年2月29日 发布
Add the following capabilities to the web widget JavaScript SDK:
- send message (like the old chat:send)
- on chat start event with the ability to know if the chat was proactive vs initiated by the user (similar to, but enhanced vs chat:start)
- on message received event (see message text, and who sent it, so you could evaluate logic on messages or run analytics, or even allow custom keywords that trigger browser actions with additional JavaScript integration)
The previous / legacy / Zopim SDK had more capabilities than the current SDK, but even just these couple of changes could help a lot.
The idea is to enable the following:
- Initiate "proactive messages" (technically unrelated to the proactive messaging feature) from JavaScript. This way, messages could be created dynamically or triggered in response to application behavior.
- Log analytics
- Build custom logic on the site or to send other messages or options based on message content
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Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here! We appreicate you sharing this in our forums. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!