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Drill in enables you to refine the results of your Explore report by slicing metrics using extra attributes you choose or by allowing the report viewer to choose from a range of attributes. For example, you create a report showing all of your tickets by assignee name. You could configure drill in to additionally display the status for each ticket or add an optional attribute for the ticket channel.
This article contains the following sections:
Configuring drill in
You configure drill in options for each report you create.
To configure drill in
- In your report, from the Chart configuration menu (
), click Drill in.
- In the Drill in panel, click Enable drill in.
- In the drop-down list under Enable drill in, choose up to 20 attributes
that will be displayed when the report viewer drills in to a metric in your
- You can add more levels to your drill in to dig deeper into your data. For
example, if you added the Ticket status attribute to your drill in, you could
then click the associated metric and drill in by further attributes. If you want
to add more levels to your drill in, click Add more levels. Tip: While there is no limit to the number of levels you can add, Zendesk doesn't recommend using more than 10 levels for performance and administration purposes.
- If you want the report viewer to be able to optionally add other attributes,
click Enable adding attributes, then, from the drop-down list select up
to 20 attributes they can add or remove to the report.
Using drill in
After you've configured drill in on a report, you can drill into a metric to see attributes (information and context) associated with that metric. You can't drill in to an attribute itself.
To use drill in
- In your report, select the data point you want to drill into. In area charts, click and drag to select the data area you want to drill into.
- From the menu, click Drill in. Explore displays the Drill in panel
showing all metrics sliced by the drill in attributes you chose.
For example, if your report contains the Tickets metric and the Ticket status attribute, you can click any "Tickets" value to drill in and show the tickets with that status.
- If you configured more drill in levels, you can click any metric result to show more information.
Drill in example
In this example, you've created a report using the Support: Tickets dataset. It produces a simple table that shows each assignee name and the number of tickets assigned to that person.
You want to allow users to drill into this data by showing the status of each ticket and, optionally, the channel from which each ticket came. Use the following procedure to accomplish this.
To configure the example
- In your report, from the Chart configuration menu (
), click Drill in.
- In the Drill in panel, click Enable drill in.
- First, you'll configure drill in to show the status of the ticket. In the Select attributes drop-down, choose Ticket status.
- Next, choose the ticket channel attribute which report viewers can optionally display. Click Enable adding attributes.
- In the Select attributes drop-down, choose Ticket
- You can now test your new drill in configuration. In your report, click one of
the Tickets results, then click Drill in.
- The Drill in panel opens displaying the tickets you selected broken down
by status.
- If you want to add the optional ticket channel attribute you configured to the
drill in, click the Select information to show drop-down list and add
Ticket channel.
- If you want to return to your original report, click Cancel.
Exporting your drill in results
You can export your drill in results in comma-seperated values (CSV) or Excel format.
To export your drill in results
- In the drill in panel, click Export > CSV or
- Explore prepares the file and adds it to your computer's downloads folder.
Turn on drill in on a dashboard
You might need to proactively turn on the drill in feature on certain dashboards. This applies only to dashboards where you’ve previously turned off other report interactions.
Before turning on drill in on a dashboard, make sure that drill in is also turned on for at least one of the reports on the dashboard. Otherwise, the dashboard-level setting won't be saved.
Drill in isn't available on dashboards shared externally.
To turn on drill in on a dashboard
- Open your dashboard for editing.
- Click the settings icon (
) to open the general dashboard settings.
- Select Allow drill-in on historical data.
Dave Dyson
@... Thanks for the additional information – it looks like the agent on our side wasn't aware that you'd turned on account assumption, so I'm following up with them to see about next steps, and they'll either create a followup ticket to continue troubleshooting, or I'll create a ticket on your behalf. Stay tuned, and thanks for your patience!
@... @... (seems like you have two profiles here) Yes, drill in should take into account any dashboard filters that the query is aware of (I checked this by using drill in and filters in the default Support Ticketing dashboard).
@... Hi, if I'm understanding you correctly, it sounds like drill in is no longer working for a query that it was working on before? I'm not sure what would cause this, and troubleshooting by our team might be needed. If you're able to create custom queries like the one you included in your screenshot, then you should certainly have access to the drill in feature. Can you contact our support team directly using Option1 here, so they can assist you? Thanks! Contacting Zendesk Customer Support
Chad Susa (Gravity CX - Zendesk Partner)
Legend. Thank you @.... Yes two profiles. Long story :)
Thanks again,
Dave Dyson
Glad I could help, Chad!
GS Admin
i have enabled drill in option ,but i am unable to see the clickable links.
i am getting only copy option for my ticket ID when i try to drill in.
Drill In doesn't seem like a good replacement for drillthrough, as mentioned in this article "Zendesk don't recommend using more than 10 levels for performance and administration purposes.", due to the size of some of our queries we're having to edit this multiple times, then export and combine separately which seems counterproductive, when drill through allowed us to export all the data and filter.
It's good for targeting certain metrics or attributes but seems like it should be used as a separate option to drill through, in which I have previously requested for this to be re-itroduced.
This is increasing mine and other system admins work loads as teams aren't able to fully understand or have time to train on how to use drill in effectively. We're also regularly getting an error message (Code 5) when trying to use drill In through the dashboards, instead we're having to edit the query, apply a date filter and use it within the query itself.
Allen Lai | Head of CX at
When drilling in, it seems to show ticket IDs of tickets that should have been excluded. For example, I have a chart to show the average update handling time by agent. For one agent, I saw that his average is 74.7 mins. When I go to drill in, it shows a long list of ticket IDs, but it's only pertaining to 1 ticket. So why do the others show up?
Gab Guinto
If you're seeing multiple rows for a single ticket ID in the drill in table, then it's likely that you have attributes/columns that have multiple values per ticket (Tickets tags or a multi-select field attribute). For example, a ticket may contain multiple tags; if the Drill in table has a Ticket tags column, then there will be one row per tag i.e., multiple rows that pertain to only one ticket.
Leonardo Santos
When I click drill-in in one metric(tickets with bad satisfaction for exemple) it shows all tickets and metrics that I added in the Query.
Is there any way to show only the tickets with the metric I clicked on?
Gustavo Parra
I enabled Drill In in both the Report and Interaction Options, but people I share the dashboard with don't see the Drill In option when clicking on KPIs or any other numbers on the dash.
Dainne Kiara Lucena-Laxamana
Hi Leonardo Santos
The Drill In function's main purpose is just to break down the data points by additional attributes. So all the metrics would load in the drill-in function based on the attribute. So if you want it to load only one metric, only one metric should be present in the report.
Gustavo Parra
I've created a ticket on your behalf since we might need to troubleshoot this. Once the drill-in function is enabled for your report and your team has access to the report, they should see the drill-in function as well. Please keep an eye out for our update via email
Dave Symonds
You need to switch off Decompose on the report as well to get the Drill down to show
Hello. I'd like to use the drill-down function on the dashboard.
I think the content only has a description of the case of using a classic builder.
How can I use it if I use a beta builder?
Walter Bellante
Hi @심하연,
Thanks for trying the beta builder!
The drill-in functionality is not yet supported on the new beta builder but we plan to include it prior to moving to GA.
Here you can find all the features planned and when they will be released.
Thanks for your feedback.
Lloyd Norman
Is there an option to enable drill in on dashboard for the new Beta builder? Can't seem to find the functionality widget for it.
I've enabled drill in on the actual report itself.
If not, do let me know so I can recreate it on the classic builder.
Many thanks!
Lloyd Norman
Never mind, found the answer to my question here:

Max Hunter
Do the default dashboards have the ability to have drill down enabled in the reports? Or will I need to Clone the default dashboard and enable to drill down option on each report i want to be able to drill down?
Anne Ronalter
"Default dashboards are read-only, so you can not drill in, edit, or otherwise dive into the details of how they are made or what data they include."
"To make more substantial changes to a default dashboard, first, you need to create a clone of the dashboard."
You can find more details in this article here:
How do I interact with the data in the default dashboards?
Any way to format the numbers in Drilled in results? We're drilling into our SLA % by Priority and the results are returning either 1 or 0, so we need to configure the 'Drill in' results to show as a percentage rather than 'Standard'
Viktor Osetrov
Unfortunately, drilled-in settings are difficult to manipulate on the fly. Technically it's possible to solve it by exporting your drilled results.
And after that, you can be changing back your SLA % by Priority results from 'Standard' to "Percentage" using "Display format" settings.
Hope it helps,
I have an issue where Drill In works perfectly fine in the report itself and when I'm viewing the report from a dashboard when I'm in dashboard edit mode. But when I attempt to Drill In on the same report on the same dashboard from the normal Dashboard read only viewing mode the Drill In modal doesn't populate with data.
When I Drill Into the report on the dashboard when I'm not in dashboard edit mode the modal opens, the little data loading thingee spins briefly, and then the Export button activates. But the Drill In data never populates in the modal itself.
I have tried removing the report from the dashboard and re-adding it but it continues to do the same thing. Any ideas what I can do to resolve this?
Noly Maron Unson
Hi Ronald, I've gone ahead and created a ticket on your behalf so that we can work closely with your issue.
Can we request the ability to please turn on Drill in for shared dashboards? For the sake of consistency, I want to be able to share a dashboard with my team, so that we're all looking at the same information.
We have noted your interest in utilizing the drill-in feature on a dashboard shared externally.
I would encourage sharing and collaboration among our users. One effective way to seek further insights or share best practices is through our vibrant Zendesk Community. Here, you can create a post to discuss dashboard strategies, share ideas, or ask for advice from fellow Zendesk users and experts who might have faced and solved similar challenges.
Get started by creating a post in the General Product Feedback topic. Conversations with a high level of engagement ultimately get flagged for product managers to review when they go through roadmap planning.
We truly value customer feedback and your voice and votes in the forums help influence future Zendesk functionality.
Marco Fatone
Hi there!
Is it possible to add the "Description" field to the Drill-in attributes?
Francis Casino
Zendesk Explore does not support drilling into the "Description" field. The "Description" field typically contains detailed text, which may not be suitable for drilling into due to its length and variability.
However, you can still indirectly analyze the contents of the "Description" field by using other attributes or filters in your reports. For instance, you could analyze trends based on ticket tags, requester information, or other custom fields that may correlate with the content of the ticket description.
Ahmed Hassan
Can you update this article with Beta view for Dashboard. These settings no longer exist.
Rob Stack
Hi Ahmed Hassan whilst the new dashboard builder is in Beta, you'll find all of the new documentation at
Taeha Handshaw
We have a need company wide to be able to drill in on reports for our dashboards. We are experiencing users that are lite agents or not Admins in Explore are unable to drill in on the dashboards to export a report. Where can we enable this so that our internal cross-functional teams are able to fully use the dashboards we create for them without us having to perform drill-in analysis for them?