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In this article, you'll learn how to perform various operations with existing Explore reports like saving, exporting, and cloning. If you are looking for information about how to create reports, see Creating reports. The operations you can perform on reports can be accessed from two places: the Reports library and the report itself.
This article contains the following topics:
Working with reports in the Reports library
The Reports library contains tools to help you manage and sort your reports. You open the
Reports library by clicking the () icon on the left sidebar. The Reports library navigation bar
shows the following options.
- All reports: Displays all reports in your Explore instance.
Favorites: Displays the reports you've marked as a favorite. To mark a report as
a favorite, click the star icon next to a report name. Clear the star if you don't want
the report to be a favorite any more.
- My reports: Displays only the reports that you created.
- Recently updated: Displays only the most recently created reports.
From the Reports library, you can click the pull-down list next to any report to display the following options:
- Edit: Opens the selected report in the report builder.
- Clone: Creates an editable copy of the report. You can choose the dataset to which the report will be copied and give the copy a new name. Bear in mind that if the dataset you copy to doesn't support the metrics and attributes in your report, it won't work.
- Rename: Enables you to enter a new name for the report in the Name column of report builder. Alternatively, while you are in a report, you can give it a new name in the Report name text box above the Filters panel and then click Save.
- Delete: Deletes the report from the Reports library. This option will not be selectable if you don't have permissions to access the report. For more details about permissions, see Setting editor and admin permissions. If you want to delete multiple reports, see Deleting multiple reports below.
Deleting multiple reports
In addition to deleting single reports, you can also delete multiple reports by using the procedure below.
To delete multiple reports
- In the report builder, enable the checkbox next to each report you want to delete.
- Below the list of reports, click Delete.
- In the Delete report warning, click Yes, delete or No, cancel.
The selected reports are deleted.
Working with reports from within a report
In the report builder, with a report open, click Save. From here, you can save, add the report to a new or existing dashboard, clone it, or export it.
Save: Saves the current report. When you create or edit a report in Explore, the
changes you make do not automatically save. You must save the report yourself.
Note: By default, your report will be named New report. Before you save it, you'll need to give it a new name in the Report name text box above the Filters panel.
- Add to dashboard: Adds your report to a new or existing dashboard. Your report will also be saved to the Reports library. For more help, see Creating dashboards and Adding reports to dashboards.
- Save as new: Creates an editable copy of the report. You can choose the dataset to which the report will be copied and give the copy a new name. Bear in mind that if the dataset you copy to doesn't support the metrics and attributes in your report, it won't work.
- Export: Creates a CSV, image, PDF, or Excel file of your report. Exporting your report will not save it to the Reports library. When you export a report as CSV, only the data from the report is exported. Any formatting you've applied to the report is not exported. When you export a report in Excel format, the report formatting is maintained.
You can also reload the report by clicking the Reload report button.
Reloading the report resubmits all of the report's calculations behind the scenes, which can be useful when you’re manipulating especially complex or custom metrics. Additionally, reloading the report this way is faster than reloading the entire webpage and prevents you from losing any work that you haven’t yet saved.
Organizing your reports with tags
- Tickets: For any reports relating to tickets
- Articles: For any reports relating to article views
- Managers: For any reports created by the management team
This section contains the following topics:
Creating report tags
You must be an Explore admin to create tags.
To create tags
- In the Tags section of the Report library, click Manage.
- In the Manage tags panel, click New tag.
- Type a name for the tag and click Save.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to continue entering as many tag names as you want.
- When you're finished, click Done.
To delete or rename any of your report tags, click the options menu () next to the report tag you want to
Adding tags to your reports
Any Explore user with the Editor or Admin role can add tags to reports in the report builder. If you change your mind, you can always go back and edit them later.
To add tags to a report
- While editing a report, click the tags icon.
- In the Manage tags panel, select any tags you want to apply to the report.
- When you're finished, click Done.
Pinning report tags
You can control which tags appear in the Reports library by pinning the ones you want.
To pin tags
- In the Manage tags panel, click the pin icon (
) next to any report tag you want to pin.
- When you're finished, click Done.
The tags you pinned will now always be visible in the Reports library.
Viewing reports by tag
You can filter your list of reports in the library to show only the ones you want.
To filter your reports by tag
- In the Tags section of the Reports library, click any tag.
Explore displays only the reports that contain the tag you chose.
CJ Johnson
@... Actually, you kind of can, if you make a personal dataset. I made a dataset for myself, and did not give anyone else permission to edit or view it. Then, queries I make for testing things out, do not appear in the query list to anyone else but me, because I am the only one with the permissions to see it. Of course, an admin could give others access to it, but as long as you work with your admins on this, it shouldn't be too hard to keep it to just you.
Katerina Louka
Is there a way to add a specific tag to multiple queries at a time?
Katerina Louka
Currently we can only add a tag to one query at a time, however I believe this is a great idea and if you want you can add your feedback here: Feedback - Reporting and analytics (Explore)
We keep a close eye on those threads to improve the product constantly!
Sy Sussman
Is there a way to share a single query with someone without adding it to a dashboard?
Gab Guinto
As long as the agent has access to the dataset, then the user will be able to view the saved query. They can search for the query through the Queries page in Explore, or you can share with them a direct link to the report. Note that there is no View-only access for queries; when an agent opens a query, it opens the query builder, and they can make changes to the report.
Dan Chikanov
why is there no "select all" reports to mass delete? Having to manually click over 2k reports is very very tiresome!
Ian Morgan
Having now created many reports some of which were created after cloning Zendesk and my Dashboards and also while still finding my way around Explore it would be a great way of keeping these all together by adding a reporting tag in bulk rather than by entering each Report. In effect I could then create a separate folder for each Dashboard so that I can quickly see which Reports are being used in my Dashboard.