In this Explore recipe, you'll learn how to create a report that shows solved ticket trends by assignee name. In this example the data will be restricted to the last 90 days, however you can modify the report to report on any date range.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time Required: 10 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Adding users to Explore)
- Ticket data in Zendesk Support
How to create the report in Explore
Use the following steps to create this report in Explore.
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Tickets > Solved Tickets, then click Apply.
- Ensure the metric aggregator for the metric is set to D_COUNT. For more information, see Choosing metric aggregators.
- In the Columns panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Time - Ticket solved > Ticket solved - Week of year, then click Apply.
- Click on the Ticket solved - Week of year attribute, then click Edit date ranges and open the Advanced tab. Set the date range to the last 90 days.
- In the Rows panel, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Assignee > Assignee name, then click Apply.
From the Visualization type (
) menu, click Sparkline.
The report is now complete.
For more information on customizing the appearance of this report, see Chart types for comparing trends over time.
Jared Vicencio
If an assignee begins responding to a ticket but another assignee solves the ticket, under which assignee will the ticket be credited to?
Jason Schaeffer
Hi Jared!
The agent who is listed as the Assignee on the ticket will get credit for the Solve in your analytics, regardless of whether somebody else makes updates or marks the ticket as Solved. So as long as the agent does not change the Assignee to them or someone else, that original agent will still get the Solve. Essentially whenever the Solve itself is actioned it is dictated by who the assignee is at that update.
Hope that helps!
Jason Schaeffer | Customer Advocate |
Pavan Krishna
would you please clarify what you mean by original agent? When I created a report to look at metrics based on the assignee name, some colleagues are not showing up even though I see that tickets are assigned to them.
Tom Bassingthwaighte
Hi there - how can I create a dynamic report to show a daily breakdown of solved tickets by assignee?
I can see we have an option to break this down into Weeks, Days of Week and Months. I can also see we can run a report to show all dates, which does technically allow a daily breakdown, although it shows every single date since the account has been opened.
I'm looking for Ticket Solved - Yesterday. This would allow a dynamic report that updates daily showing exclusively the information I'm looking for, without requiring daily edits.
Is this possible?
Zsa Trias
Hello Tom,
Yes, this can be done in Explore. You can apply a dynamic date range so that the report would always show data for yesterday.

Reference: Editing date ranges