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Creating conditional ticket fields

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Amy Malka

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Patrick, 
Please start a conversation with us using the option in the article Contacting Zendesk Customer Support as we will need to check your account to understand why the "conditions" option is missing on it.


Hello Zendesk team,

What I thought was a simple requirement using conditional custom fields seems to be a challenging one now…


I want to set up three custom fields: Custom Field1,  Custom Field2


Custom Field1 can have values CF1, CF2, CF3. I want this field to be displayed in the agent form always, but the value CF1 and CF2 should be displayed when I select Incident from the Type field (system field), and the value CF3 should be displayed when I select Question from the Type field. How can I achieve it?

Also, how can I show Custom Field2 values conditionally based on a value selected in Custom Field1?


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Jimmy Rufo

Zendesk Luminary

Is it possible to show a field on a form, based on the organization that requested the ticket?

i.e. IF organization is Org A, show Field A in Form A;  Otherwise, do not show Field A at all.


+1 on Jimmy Rufo's comment. It would be really useful to have ticket conditioning based on the organization.


In the Example listed under How conditional ticket fields are saved; if it happens that an agent initially saves the fields as 

From the Parent drop-down list, select Show child 1 and select Susan for the Child 1 field value and Submits the ticket as well. But then later on, the agent goes back to the Parent drop-down list, select Show child 2 from the Parent drop-down list and select Peter for the Child 2 field value and Submits the ticket.

In this case, when we see this ticket on the Explore report, it shows both values being saved to the ticket; which does not make sense as the actual intent is to select EITHER of the two values from the drop down rather than “Multi-Selecting” the drop down options.


Ideally, the last saved/submitted value of Show Child 2 and Peter should have been saved instead of all values.

I hope Zendesk looks into this and addresses it.


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