Suite | Professional, Enterprise, or Enterprise Plus |
Support with | Explore Professional or Enterprise |
While Explore does not report macro usage, you can get useful information into your reports by having your macro add tags to a ticket when it triggers. For example, could your most popular macro responses be added to your Help Center to deflect tickets? Or can you safely remove certain macros that are not being utilized as often?
Use this article to learn how to add tags to your macros and generate Explore reports from the tags. You can either add tags to existing macros or create new ones. See Organizing and managing your macros and Creating macros for tickets for more information.
What you'll need
Skill level: Easy
Time required: 20 minutes
- Zendesk Explore Professional or Enterprise
- Editor or Admin permissions (see Giving agents access to Explore)
- Ticket and agent data in Zendesk Support
Adding ticket tags when a macro is run
To add tags to a macro
In Admin Center, click the Workspaces icon (
) in the sidebar, then under Agent tools, select Macros.
- Click Create macro or select Edit from the macros options menu when you select a macro you want to edit.
- In the editing macro page, select Add tags from the drop-down list in the Actions section.
- Add the tag of your choice in the text box to the right. If you're using multiple tags, use spaces to separate them.
The edit macro page will look like this:
- Click Create or Save.
Now, whenever the macro is triggered, it will add the tag you chose to the ticket. In this case, the tag unique_macro_tag will be added.
Reporting on macro tags in Explore
In this procedure, you'll create a report that shows all tickets with the unique_macro_tag tag. Before you start, ensure that the macro you created has run a few times and that Explore has synchronized the latest data from the tickets dataset. Synchronization takes place once an hour.
To create a report to list the macro tags
- In Explore, click the reports (
) icon.
- In the Reports library, click New report.
- On the Select a dataset page, click Support > Support - Tickets, then click Start report. The report builder opens.
- Next, add a metric. A metric is the thing you want to measure, in this case, the number of tickets. In the Metrics panel, click Add.
- From the list of metrics, choose Tickets > Tickets, then click Apply.
- Next, add the ticket tags attribute that will break down the number of tickets by tag. In the Rows section, click Add.
- From the list of attributes, choose Ticket > Ticket Tags and Ticket > Ticket ID, then click Apply. This generates a table of all ticket tags, and the ticket ID number of each ticket they are associated with.
- Now, filter the list of attributes so you only see tickets that have the unique_macro_tag tag associated. In the Rows panel, click the Ticket Tags attribute.
- On the Selected tab of the Ticket Tags page, ensure only unique_macro_tag is selected, and then click Apply.
A table showing all your tickets with the unique_macro_tag tag displays. This indicates all of your tickets that the macro ran on.
Jared Vicencio
Is there like an "AND" conditoinal feature for reporting on tags. Example, I want to know how many tickets we responded to last month that have both TAg_1 and TAg_2? Thanks.
Hi Jared,
Thanks for posting regarding this! To achieve a report for tickets that have two specific tags, you will need to use standard calculated metrics. So for two tags, it would look something like this:
IF (INCLUDES_ALL([Ticket tags], "united_states","italy")) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF
For more information regarding this, you can check this article here:
Hope this helps you out! Cheers!
Marco M. | Zendesk Support
Is there a report that show's how many times a particular macro has been used ? In summary form, I'd find this really helpful to track trends etc
Brett Bowser
The best way to set this up is to have your macros also apply a tag when they're used. The above recipe would then walk you through creating a report to show macro usage based on those tags. Unfortunately there's no way to report on it outside of applying tags.
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Ellen Livengood
I would like to do a report that tracks how many times a macro is used over time (weekly). The macro applies a tag, so the idea would be to count the number of tickets the tag was added to. Is this possible? Thanks
Dave Dyson
The best way to do this is via tagging and using Explore -- here's a recipe on. how to set that up: Explore recipe: Reporting on macros using tags
Ellen Livengood
Hi Dave, that link goes to this article :) The recipe above allows me to see how many tickets exist that have the tag (macro) applied. I want to see how many times the tag (macro) was applied in a given week, over time. Still not clear on how to do that.
Yes, this is exactly what I am looking for too.
I tried the above steps and it gave me a record of each time a certain macro was used with each ticket number. But what I really want is a summary, ie my agents used our 'Cancellation' macro 100 times in a week etc
Dave Dyson
If you want to see how many tickets created per week have given tags, you can modify the above recipe in the following ways:
Amanda Martin
Hello - I'm trying to pull a list of agents who have applied a specific macro to a ticket. Is it possible to get to this data? The tag tracking does not tell me which agent may have applied the macro which triggered the tag.
Ola Timpson
I'm looking to do the same thing Amanda has asked about. Anyone got advice on seeing which agents have applied a specific macro?
Gab Guinto
I'm afraid there's currently no option to report on this using the attributes natively available in Explore. This may be possible if there is a dedicated custom field specifically made to track macro usage. You can then utilize the field changes attributes under Updates history to check for the Updater name on these updates.
Andrew S
Is there a way to filter out "deactivated" macros? I can't find the "active" attribute, but I might be missing it.
Bryan Selwood
Hi, I'm wondering the same as Andrew - can I filter out Inactive/Deleted macros in my report?
The report above does not rely on the macro itself but the tags that were added on the macro. Hence, it will not have the capability to report on deleted macros.
Bryan Selwood
Is there a way to get a report on the tags that haven't been used? - I want my report to show macros that haven't been used at all in 6 months for example.
Andrei Kamarouski
Hi Bryan Selwood,
Zendesk allows you to see 0 usage macros but with 30 days limitation.
Our Macros Reporting app includes this information, too + we can sync data beyond the last 30 days period. 👇
Joey Tabush
Is there a way to report on when a particular tag was added? In the example given in this article, triggering the macro would add the tag unique_macro_tag. I'm looking to create a report/dashboard of all tickets with this tag, and be able to filter it to when this tag was added.
Hi Joey Tabush - Yes, you should be able to accomplish this by creating a report using the Support: Updates History dataset. I already had something similar, a report where I'm looking for a specific tag related to escalation macros. So I changed things around a bit to demonstrate, I think, what you're looking for:
First create the calculated metric in the Updates History dataset. This will be how you find the tickets with the tag you're interested in. Here's what mine looks like:
Then create a report, using the calculated metric in the "Metrics" area. And in the "Rows" area of the report builder add the Update - Timestamp attribute. I added Ticket ID also which I think would probably be useful.
End result looks like this:
You'd probably also end up wanting to hid the 4th column with the ticket count. You can do that under Chart Configuration > Columns
There might be a better way to do this, but this is what I came up with from my starting point. Cheers!
Edit - For your calculated metric you may also want to add an AND condition to check if the tag was already on the ticket (below). Or you may want to do a D_COUNT. I had to experiment a bit with these for my report to find what was most appropriate for my use case. I can't exactly remember but I think subsequent updates to the ticket will re-apply all of the existing ticket tags which may necessitate the AND condition to make sure that the tag is being added for the first time to the ticket. You may need to play around with it a bit but I think this should at least get you close. Good luck!
Deise Batista
Pessoal, alguém sabe se o Zendesk tem uma previsão para disponibilizar métricas de macros, gatilhos e automações no Explorer?
Precisamos saber a quantidade de macros aplicadas por agente e quais são as macros que eles usam.
Michelle Marafiote
Is there a way to create a report that has the tag usage for the month and not have to create a separate report for each tag?
Zsa Trias
Hello Michelle,
I have found another recipe that you can use to report on the most frequent tags used in your account: Explore recipe: Viewing the most common tags in tickets
Marcos Menezes
Olá, boa tarde!
Percebi que não ficou claro se há uma maneira de contabilizar o uso das macros por operador, mês, dia, hora e ano. No entanto, ficou evidente que é necessário o uso de tags para esse fim. Gostaria de esclarecer se é possível contabilizar isso e exportar essa medição por meio de relatórios. É importante destacar que a tag precisa ser contabilizada apenas quando a macro for adicionada e enviada para o cliente. Dessa forma, evitamos contabilizações indevidas por cliques repetidos (macros de comentário interno não serão contabilizadas também). Em resumo, é possível extrair essa medição com todos os critérios em um relatório abrangente?
Agradeço pela sua atenção e aguardo orientações.
Anderson Passos
Request #12231782 "Re: Re: Re: [Community Post] How..." was closed and merged into this request. Last comment in request #12231782:
Olá, boa tarde!
Percebi que não ficou claro se há uma maneira de contabilizar o uso das macros por operador, mês, dia, hora e ano. No entanto, ficou evidente que é necessário o uso de tags para esse fim. Gostaria de esclarecer se é possível contabilizar isso e exportar essa medição por meio de relatórios. É importante destacar que a tag precisa ser contabilizada apenas quando a macro for adicionada e enviada para o cliente. Dessa forma, evitamos contabilizações indevidas por cliques repetidos. Em resumo, é possível extrair essa medição com todos os critérios em um relatório abrangente?
Agradeço pela sua atenção e aguardo orientações.
Marcos Menezes
Meu questionamento não foi respondid
Marcos Menezes
Preciso de uma solução.
Marcos Menezes
Olá, boa tarde!
Percebi que não ficou claro se há uma maneira de contabilizar o uso das macros por operador, mês, dia, hora e ano. No entanto, ficou evidente que é necessário o uso de tags para esse fim. Gostaria de esclarecer se é possível contabilizar isso e exportar essa medição por meio de relatórios. É importante destacar que a tag precisa ser contabilizada apenas quando a macro for adicionada e enviada para o cliente. Dessa forma, evitamos contabilizações indevidas por cliques repetidos (macros de comentário interno não serão contabilizadas também). Em resumo, é possível extrair essa medição com todos os critérios em um relatório abrangente?
Agradeço pela sua atenção e aguardo orientações.
Anderson Passos
Obrigado por nos contactar, meu nome é Anderson e estou aqui para dar suporte a sua dúvida. Primeiramente é importante saber que as macros e tags aplicadas as macros estão diretamente ligadas aos tickets e não aos agentes que as aplicam. Dei uma olhada na documentação que criou este post sobre relatórios de macros usando tags e para te ajudar nessa questão você pode está acrescentando nas Linhas do relatório o atributo Nome do Atribuído. Assim o relatório mostrará os tickets onde a tag com a macro foi aplicada e os agentes que estavam atribuídos a este ticket. Se o ticket obteve mais de um atribuído você pode está buscando pelo primeiro atribuído do ticket através das instruções da nossa documentação Receita do Explore: Busca pelo primeiro atribuído de um ticket.
Espero ter esclarecido a sua dúvida!
Anderson Passos
Request #12233428 "Re: Re: Re: Re: [Community Post]..." was closed and merged into this request. Last comment in request #12233428:
Meu questionamento não foi respondido, preciso de uma solução.
Marcos Menezes
Anderson, bom dia!
No caso de múltiplas atribuições em um ticket, é necessário medir separadamente a aplicação das macros por cada agente, não apenas pelo primeiro agente. Preciso identificar a contagem de cada macro enviada por operador, independentemente do ticket ter sido atribuído a mais de uma pessoa. Seria possível obter essa informação?