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Writing Explore formulas

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Rob Stack

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




I can confirm the described behavior is not the experienced behavior. If you have a report saved on a Dashboard, and you change a formula that is an attribute on that report, the report will not reflect the changes to the attribute on the Dashboard, unless you edit and re-Publish the entire Dashboard. 


Hello, Zendesk team

We do have to 2 ticket brands in zendesk and I wanted to merge the total tickets created between the two. 

I tried filtering two attributes but the result is not what i'm looking for.  
In brand 1, we are using received thru attributes
In branch 2, they are using Channel attributes
As I add this attributes in filter or in Columns, Rows and even creating metric tickets to those 2 attributes, only the tickets created in Channel will show. 
I tried creating formula but the formula  is not working.

Is their a way to merge this or can you give the formula in this. 

And may i know how to count the ticket Updated by other agent. 
Agent 1 created the ticket and agent 2 commented on the same ticket. 
How ca we count or what kind of ticket fields we should use on the ticket commented by agent2?  


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Vincent,

As far as I know, you don't need to create any custom metrics for this. You will just have to add "Ticket Brand" under filters and select the brand you have and it will automatically show you the tickets for those brands. 


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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Amos Chen

That would be


You can find the reference to all Explore functions here.


I am trying to split the Requester Name into First and Last Name with just the 1st space as the differentiation. Anything before the 1st space to be counted as 1st name and rest all as last name. I have tried leftpart / rightpart. It doesnt seem to be working. Any other inputs.


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Zsa Trias

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Roshni, 

This seem to be possible by combining multiple Explore Functions.
I was able to achieve separating first and last name using this formula:

For the first name: 

IF (CONTAINS([Requester name]," ")) THEN LEFTPART([Requester name],FIND([Requester name]," ",0)) ELSE [Requester name] ENDIF

For the last name: 

IF (CONTAINS([Requester name]," ")) THEN SUBSTR([Requester name],FIND([Requester name]," ",0)+1,LENGTH([Requester name])) ELSE [Requester name] ENDIF



Thanks Zsa Trias.. this worked.



I'm trying to create a statistic regarding the behaviour of users in a specific workflow, but I can't seem to combine the logic correctly.

I need to filter the users that created tickets sending an email to a specific address, and to create a chart showing the allocation of ALL OF THEIR OTHER TICKETS between all the forms when they were submitting tickets (ie: understand which form is generating more complaint emails).




Hi! How can you for example calculate the percentage of 1 particular topic compared to the total amount of tickets for example?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Aaron,

I think you can use the attributes ticket form, ticket email address. However, I'm not aware on how you want it to be shown on your query. Hence I cannot provide a recommendation on how to write the formula. If you can give me an overview, I'll try to create one for you.


Hi Dane,

thank you for your support.

I would need to create a pie chart of all of the tickets created by specific users showing the allocation between all the available forms on the account.

Those users should be defined by the fact that they created at least one ticket by sending an email to a specific email address let's call it EMAIL1. Please note that the pie chart should show all of the tickets created by those users, not restricted to only the tickets created via that specific email address (sent via EMAIL2, forms, answer bot etc).

Thank you very much!




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Zendesk Engineering

I don't have a lot of data for that specific use case. But I think, these attributes can help. However, with looking at the result with the limited data I have, it will be better if it will just be represented using tables.


I am trying to create a formula that will track anytime someone changes the form field to something specific: Here is my formula, but I believe the changes value requires API, anyway to do this in explore wihout it? 

IF ([Changes - Field name]] = "Ticket Form" AND [Changes - Previous value] != "Ticket Form 1" AND [Changes - New value] = "Ticket form 1") THEN [Update ticket ID]  ENDIF



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James G

Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Jed, 
I suggest creating a test report using "Sos Requester Region" as the only attribute so you could see the actual attribute values that would show up if it is really "NAR (US)" and "NAR (CA)". Once you confirm that it is really the case, try creating a simpler formula like this - 
IF ([Sos Requester Region] = "NAR (US)") THEN [Advertiser Name NAR] ENDIF
and see if it works properly. If not, feel free to send us a ticket so we can take a better look - Contacting Zendesk Customer Support




I am building a report that tracks how many accounts we closed over a set period of time. I've filtered it by ‘Assignee name/role’ and ‘Ticket channel’.


However, I'm struggling with filtering out tickets that have only internal comments. I want the results to show only tickets with public or both public and internal comments.

Is there a way to build such formula?




I’m trying to create a custom attribute to capture tickets created in the week before the last (i.e., two weeks ago). Could someone please assist me with the formula for this?


Hi - I am trying to create an end user submitted tickets forecast but remove tickets from the results that contain specific tags.  When I try to do it by creating standard calculated metrics IF (NOT INCLUDES_ANY([Ticket tags], "tag1")) THEN [Ticket ID] ENDIF what I end up with is lots of different lines but what I am trying to achieve is one line indicating the values each year exluding the specific tags. Can anyone advise?  Many thanks, Jerina


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