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Routing chats based on agent skills

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Aimee Spanier

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Jun 21, 2024




The article liked for the Javascript API has this note:   

Note: This guide applies only to the Chat widget from Chat-only accounts, not from Chat+Support accounts.

How do we add skill tags to visitors for Chat+Support accounts? 



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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Mike,
You can use these API command to add chat tags: chat:addTags; or, if you need to use the legacy$zopim.livechat API with the Web Widget, then you can wrap the Javascript with zE. Here's a quick guide: How can I customize the Zendesk Chat widget using the JavaScript API?
You can refer to this doc for more information on migrating from the Chat widget syntax to the the unified Web Widget (Classic). 
Thanks Mike!


Hi there!

Is it possible to configure skills based routing based on organization?

For example, let's think about a VIP organization (tagged via a custom org field). I would like to assign all incoming chats from this organization to specific agents.

We have the agent workspace enabled, I assume the skills based routing in support is not applicable to chats and, the skills in chat interface have to be used, am I right?

However, the users are not tagged in support with VIP. How do we identify that an user is part of a VIP org so that it is routed correctly?

Thank you in advance!


Thanks Gab,

I just want to confirm that the solution you provided for adding tags to the chat is the same thing as what's described in this article "Adding skill tags to visitors". 

I want to be able to route chats to different departments and the routing setting seems to only route based on a tag that's assigned to the vistior and not a tag that's assigned to the chat. 

Will adding the tag to the chat, using the solution you provided, work with the skills routing shown here?


Is it possible to apply tags to visitor based on the language their using? Example, if the customer starts the chat in Spanish, how can I route that to a Spanish agent?



Hi Eduardo,

Have you seen this article(?):

If you are looking for a solution to detect the language no matter the location, I don't think it's possible.

Hope this helps!


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Paul,
If you are already using Agent Workspace, you can just utilize support triggers to route those chat tickets to specific group of agents or specific agent. Make sure to include the organization as a condition.


Hi Dane

Many thanks for getting back to me, much appreciated!

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this method will assign incoming chats to a specific agent only, the one which is defined in the trigger, correct?

What do I need to do if I'd like to assign chats to a pool of agents with a specific skill?

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Thank you in advance!


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Zendesk Engineering

The recommendation I provided was for a different Paul I believe. It will not work for your use that utilizes specific skills of agents. Not unless they are just on the same group.


Hi Dane,

I would like to avoid creating a dedicated group for this... if possible...

To you think the setting below will route chats correctly if multiple agents are assigned to this skill?



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Paul, 
This method will only add the skills to the ticket but it will not triggers a chat skill-based routing. When it comes to chat skill based routing, it needs to be worked on by using chat triggers with add tags action that corresponds to the skill names of the agents.
This trigger will add a tag to visitors when a widget was loaded.

It will then route the chat to agents with the same skills.




Hello! Is there a way to prioritize certain skills for agents when it comes to routing? For example, If I have 5 agents who can do skill A and skill B, but as a priority I want them to be routed chats with skill A over skill B (because, for example, I have 10 other agents who also possess skill B, but not skill A), is there a way to do that?


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Maggie,
Chat skills routing will still use the Assigned routing behavior which routes incoming requests to an online agent who has been available for the longest time as long as their skills will match. There's no native feature to prioritize routing based on the skills available.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Why can't we use as a condition the User Tag in support as a Visitor Tag? 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Jahn,

The Visitor Tag for chat triggers is specific for the chat platform. It can only be applied via the set Tag action in chat triggers and user tags is not part of it.


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary

what happens if a ticket comes in and it has skills, but no available agent is online? does it defer to the department?


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Bobby Koch - there is a maximum wait time for the chat to find agent based on the skill however if not being accepted on that specific timeframe let say 60 seconds. Chat will be routed to the next available agent within the same department. 


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Bobby Koch

Zendesk Luminary


So if I have 4 departments

EMEA (2am to 7am)
- no agents have skills here
US Support (7am to 7 pm)
---- HR
---- SALES 
---- Support

If i am setting visitor tags for HR, Sales, and Support in my widget, what happens if a visitor tag is passed during the EMEA hours? Could I just set a trigger in chat to say assign to that department, and skills will be skipped?


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