The Shopify integration app allows you to view Shopify orders for a storefront in a Support ticket or in Chat. You can also process refunds and cancellations for Shopify orders in a ticket, reducing the need to switch systems and provide faster customer service.
The Sunshine profiles and events feature provides a consolidated view of the customer by viewing Shopify events within the customer context interface and their Shopify profile in a ticket.
This article includes the following topics:Related articles:
Viewing Shopify orders in Support and Chat
The Shopify app for a storefront is displayed in the app sidebar in Support and Chat. If it is not visible, you will need an admin to set it up for you. See Setting up the Shopify integration for Support and Chat for more information.
In Support, the integration retrieves Shopify data in saved tickets by matching the ticket requester’s email address or phone number to their Shopify order and account email address or phone number. The integration doesn't display Shopify data in new tickets; the ticket must be saved with a requester first to retrieve the requester's Shopify data.
In Chat, if a visitor provides an email address or phone number, it is matched to the corresponding details in Shopify to retrieve order information.
To view Shopify orders
- In Support or Chat, click the app sidebar. The Shopify app displays order summary information and a list of orders by order number.
- Click the accordion next to the order number to display order information including the order date and value, customer notes, payment status, fulfilment status, and shipment tracking numbers.
The Support app also shows if the order can be cancelled or refunded. This feature is enabled in Admin Center. - In the order, click Order details to view more details including line items, order notes, and payment breakdown.
If the Shopify app in Support or Chat does not load information, this can be caused by the ad blocker extension installed in your web browser. For information on how to resolve this issue, see Shopify app in Support and Chat is not displaying information.
Refunding a Shopify order in Support
A Shopify order can be refunded in the app for unfulfilled or fulfilled orders. Specific line items in an unfulfilled order can be refunded as well.
To refund a fulfilled order
- In the Support ticket editor, click Apps in the upper-right to display the Shopify app in the sidebar.
- In the Shopify app, select the accordion next to the order number to view order details.
- If the order has been unfulfilled, partially fulfilled, or fulfilled, the order will display “Refund available”. Click View order.
- In the order payment details, click Refund order.
- In the modal, configure the refund details for a full refund or partial refund:
Full refund - Click Full refund which selects all line items and shipping costs for refund, and returns all items to the stock inventory
Partial refund - Select the quantity in the drop-down list for each line item
Restock {x} items checkbox - Select the checkbox to return items to the stock inventory
Shipping checkbox - Select the checkbox to refund shipping costs
- Click Review refund to review your refund.
- Click Confirm refund to send the refund details to Shopify, then click Close.
- Click the refresh app icon in the ticket sidebar. The order status is updated under the order number.
When a refund has been completed, a 'shopify_refund' tag is automatically added to the ticket. Tags can be used create a view or a report for tracking these tickets. For more information, see Explore recipe: Reporting on refunds and cancellations with the Shopify integration.
Cancelling a Shopify order in Support
A Shopify order can be cancelled for unfulfilled orders in the app.
To cancel an unfulfilled order
- In the Support ticket editor, click Apps in the upper-right to display the Shopify app in the ticket sidebar.
- In the Shopify app, select the unfulfilled order, and click View order.
- In the order payment details, click Cancel order.
- In the modal, select a reason for the fund in the Reason for refund drop-down list.
- Click Review cancellation to review your refund.
- Click Confirm cancellation, then click Close.
- Click the refresh app icon in the ticket sidebar. The order status is updated under the order number.
When an order cancellation has been completed, a 'shopify_cancelled' tag is automatically added to the ticket. Tags can be used create a view or a report for tracking these tickets. For more information, see Explore recipe: Reporting on refunds and cancellations with the Shopify integration.
Viewing Shopify profile and events in a ticket

When the Shopify profile in Sunshine is enabled in Admin Center, you can also view the customer’s Shopify profile details in a ticket.
To view a Shopify profile in a ticket
- In a ticket, in the upper-right of the screen, click the User icon (
) in the context panel.
- Click the Profiles menu icon (
) and select the name of the Shopify connection.
To filter Shopify events in a ticket
- In a ticket, in the upper-right of the screen, click the User icon (
) in the context panel.
- Open Interactions to view a list of events.
By default all user events appear in the interaction history.
- To filter the events, click the filter icon (
- Select the events you want to view.
You can view:- All events for all applications
- All Shopify events
- All Shopify events for a specific storefront
- A specific type of event for a specific Shopify storefront
- To clear the filter, click the refresh icon (
Marcus | Merchworld
Hi !
1. If you have 6 different shopify stores connected, then you will end up with 6 side bar widgets.
And you need to scroll to see if the user has a order from shop 3,4,5 & 6.
2. If you collapse the shopify sidebar widgets, then im able to all without the need to scroll
but no notice in collapsed mode if they user has an order in any shop.
Will a fix be provided for this ?
David Gillespie
Hi @...,
Thanks for the feedback about the sidebar apps.
We don't currently plan to rationalise the seperate storefronts apps into a single app. I've captured your feedback as a feature request for the integration and will keep you updated if/when we decide to develop it.
A more restrictive option, presumably effective at making the Shopify panel work without whitelisting anything Zendesk might serve up, which I posted as a comment on the "Announcing the new Shopify integration for Support and Chat" post, is to add three rules, using uBlock Origin's Dynamic URL filtering, similar to these:
Don Stefani
When integrating the Shopify app into chat, the ability to do cancellations and refunds is not offered like it is in the support integration. In the order details in the chat sidebar Shopify app I am given this message "To refund orders from the sidebar app, enable the refunds and cancellations feature.Enable in Admin Center". But as I mentioned above, that can't be done.
So it looks like I can't do refunds in chat - is that correct?
David Gillespie
Hi @...
This is correct, we can't offer the refunds feature within the Chat sidebar.
Thanks for highlighting that this message is being shown in Chat, we'll get that taken out as its quite misleading.
Don Stefani
Thanks David,
Great to see the a product manager handling questions like this.
- Don
Is there any way to actively pull this data while using the Support Rest API? Gorgias allows you to pull this data from the ticket object, but Zendesk does not. I’m very interested in how I’d actually pull order information using the REST api without having to create a Shopify app myself. Thanks.
Sean Bourke
Hi @...,
The Shopify app in the sidebar will request the most up to date information from Shopify on-load, hence is not available via any Zendesk APIs.
We recently announced the streaming of Shopify profiles and events via Sunshine. This enables you to create Zendesk customer profiles and stream specific Shopify events from Shopify to Zendesk in real time. As these are available via Sunshine, the information can be consumed via the Profiles API and the Events API.
Darrsh Patel
Can my ratings in shopify be created as a ticket in Zendesk ?
Sean Bourke
Hi Darrsh Patel,
The current Zendesk Shopify Integration will display Shopify Order information for customers, as well as any items contained within those orders.
In your circumstance, are you seeking to create tickets in Zendesk when a product/item is reviewed in Shopify?
Dave Symonds
We have a situation where the App is only showing one tracking id and when we go into the Shopify portal there are multiple - but for different couriers?
I'll go ahead and create a separate ticket on your behalf so I can get more account-specific details to troubleshoot this issue. You may expect an email shortly with the ticket information.
Dave Symonds
Hi. A Shopify app question.
A Customer has purchased an item using email 1. They contacted us using email 2. The shopify app doesn't sow the details - assuming it uses the email 1 to link. We have added email 1 as a secondary email in the customer profile but the details still do not show.
Do we need to set the Shopify email - email1- as primary to trigger the Shopify App to return details

Referring to section 'to view a shopify profile in a ticket'
We don't have the dots in our interface, but we can see Shopify data by going into the boxed icon (below the book). Is there a way to switch it on?
David Gillespie
Hi Dave Symonds,
Yes, we need to use the primary email in Zendesk to pull back the details from Shopify.
Hi Rina,
Have you turned on the Shopify events and profiles feature? Once this is turned on and events are flowing through you should see the Shopify data in the profile & event history. See this article for instructions to turn the feature on.
Patrick Argao
Has this been implemented yet?
David Gillespie
Hi Patrick Argao,
Thanks for reaching out and following up about that feature.
We still don't have plans to rationalise the seperate storefronts apps into a single app. I've captured your comment against the feature request.
Patrick Argao
Thank you, David! In the interim, do you have any Zendesk workarounds? I'm asking because like right now, we have 30 brands in Zendesk which would have 30 Shopify stores. My team would have to scroll up and down to look for the associated Shopify store depending on the current brand they are working on.
David Gillespie
Hi Patrick Argao,
The only workaround is to use an alternative app like Agnostack, which shows every store in the single app.
I've noted this feedback tho so we can update if we bring into the roadmap for the integration.
maxcode ITSolutions
I have added Chat Widget in Shopify Store its not working,
Small Question Zendesk support team, Zendesk Widget work Shopify OS 1.0. Old Themes or Not.
Thank you for reaching out. As far as I know, the Zendesk widget is compatible with the old and new versions for Shopify. The web widget interacts with the online store via appending element to the html of the page through app extension which should be working. Every other feature is api/event driven.
Since you are having trouble making the widget work on your Shopify store, I'd suggest reaching out to our team for indepth troubleshooting following this guide Contacting Zendesk Customer Support. Here are some other pages in which you can refer to when installing Chat in Shopify.
Setting up the Shopify integration for Support and Chat
Using the Shopify integration in Support and Chat
I hope that helps. Cheers~!