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How can I stop an email loop?

Edited Dec 20, 2024




Hey Support, 

I may be overlooking it but I remember prior to the condition change (the stacked/tiered selections) we could set a condition to be the requester email the ticket was created from.   Currently I can only see the Agent list when selecting “Ticket>Requester” as an option, is this possible to do in the current build? 

We have a specific supplier who sends surveys after every ticket closure, which have extremely generic subjects ("satisfaction survey") because of this we have a risk that triggering tickets to get ignored/deleted if they have this subject that we will miss some legitimate tickets. 



Not sure why I'm getting notifications for this, but I'll chime in. I see part of the problem being with Zendesk. I submit a ticket and then Zendesk sends an empty “we received your email” reply, which is kind of meaningless. I get too many emails as it is (as probably most people say) so I would prefer to hear so something of substance - like a solution rather than simply, “We'll get back to you.”


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