You can configure your Web Widget (Classic) to embed content from a restricted help center (one that requires users to sign in for access), or restricted knowledge base content (a public help center with articles that are restricted to specific users).
When you configure Web Widget (Classic) to include restricted content:
- Visitors to your website who are logged in can read the restricted help center articles via Web Widget (Classic). Note that the customer site in which the widget is embedded is responsible for authentication of a users email.
- Visitors who are not logged in, however, see only public articles. If there are no public articles, the help center features do not appear in Web Widget (Classic).
This article includes the following topics:
For more information on Web Widget (Classic), see Using Web Widget (Classic) to embed customer service in your website.
For information on restricted help centers and knowledge base content, see Restricting your content to logged in users only and Restricting access to knowledge base content.
Determining your help center security settings
The Web Widget (Classic) allows you to display content from a help center with any of the following security configurations. You may need to enable or disable the Require sign in option in your help center security settings, in Guide, based on your type of help center.
Type of help center | Enable "Require sign in"? |
A public help center, where all content is available to the public. | Don't enable Require sign in. |
A restricted help center, where users must be registered and signed in to view any content. | Enable Require sign in. |
A public help center with restricted content, where some articles are only available to specific users, and others are available to all help center visitors. | Don't enable Require sign in. Everyone can see the unrestricted articles in your help center without logging in. However, only signed-in users with the correct permissions can see the restricted articles. |
To check your help center security settings
- In Guide, click the Settings icon (
) in the sidebar.
- In the Security section, enable or disable the Require sign in option, if
needed, based on your type of help center.
- If you have a restricted help center or a public help center with restricted content, proceed to Setting up Web Widget (Classic) to show restricted content.
Setting up Web Widget (Classic) to show restricted content
If you have a restricted help center or a public help center with restricted content that means you have restricted articles (see Determining your help center security settings). If you want restricted articles to appear in Web Widget (Classic), you need to configure your Web Widget (Classic) settings and add additional snippets to your website's code.
If you have a public help center, this task doesn't apply to you.
To get started, you need to check your Web Widget (Classic) settings and generate a shared secret.
To check your settings and generate a shared secret
- In Admin Center, click
Channels in the sidebar, then select Classic > Web Widget.
- Click the Basics tab.
- Make sure that the Help Center checkbox is selected.
If you haven't already, go to your Guide settings and enable or disable the Require sign in option, based on your type of help center (see Determining your help center security settings).
- Click the Security tab.
- In the Allowlist box, enter the subdomains that contain Web
Widget (Classic). This allows restricted help center content to display in the widget
for authenticated users.
For your security, we recommend adding subdomains to the allowlist. If you have specific reasons why restricting access to particular subdomains will not work, you may leave this box empty. Use spaces to separate subdomains.
- Select Allow agents to access restricted help center content
to allow restricted help center content to appear when agents and admins access Web
Widget (Classic).
If you have a restricted help center and agent access is not enabled, the help center features will not display in Web Widget (Classic) for agents and admins. If you have restricted articles and agent access is not enabled, agents will only encounter the public content.
- Configure Shared Secret:
- Create a shared secret by clicking the Generate button:
Because it is a security setting, your shared secret is intended to be generated, copied and pasted into a communication with your engineering team or directly into your codebase in one sitting. It is not to be entered into a browser.
Note: The shared secret is intended to remain secure. As a result, it will only appear in full one time. If you don’t have access to the shared secret and need the full secret to create your token, you can reset the secret by clicking Reset. - If you believe that your shared secret has been compromised, after you reset your shared secret you can revoke all existing tokens. This will invalidate the access of anyone that had authenticated previously and will not allow restricted content to be viewed until a new valid token has been issued.
- Create a shared secret by clicking the Generate button:
Once you have generated the shared secret, use it to create a JWT token (Learn more about JWT) that you'll add to your Web Widget (Classic) snippet.
To create a JWT token and add the code to Web Widget (Classic) snippet
- Construct a server-side payload of data for the JWT token. This needs to have the
following information:
- name: Customer's name
- email: Customer's email
iat: Integer value of the current timestamp, in seconds. Some functions
in specific languages i.e. JavaScript's return milliseconds, so please
make sure you convert to seconds.
Iat for Web Widget authentication permits up to two minutes clock skew.
- jti: Unique identifier for this token. Cannot be the same as any other jwt tokens already sent through. A random 64 bit number for example.
- Specify HS256 as the JWT algorithm in the header of your JWT
{ "typ":"JWT", "alg":"HS256" }
HS256 stands for HMAC SHA 256, a 256-bit encryption algorithm designed by the U.S. National Security Agency.
Note: Zendesk does not support the RS256 and ES256 JWT algorithms. - Use the code samples below to find a template that fits your language needs.
- Add a function which fetches your JWT from your server, and makes a callback with the
JWT value. Replace "YOUR_JWT_TOKEN" with the token you created. Make sure to put this
code before the Web Widget (Classic) snippet:
<script type="text/javascript"> window.zESettings = { webWidget: { authenticate: { jwtFn: function(callback) { callback('YOUR_JWT_TOKEN'); } } } }; </script>
Tokens expire after two hours. You can remove them from local storage sooner by adding the following API call when the user is logging out:
<script type="text/javascript"> zE(function() { zE.logout(); }); </script>
Code samples
Your token needs to be dynamically generated from the server-side on page load. Find the template below that fits your language needs. Customize the sample as needed, making sure to replace the #{details} with your own information.
If none of these samples match your needs, JWT has a more extensive list of JWT libraries to explore.
First, install ruby-jwt.
If you're using Rubygems:
gem install jwt
If you're using Bundler, add the following to your gem file:
gem 'jwt'
Next, generate a token using the shared secret:
require 'jwt'
payload = {
:name => "#{customerName}",
:email => "#{customerEmail}",
:iat => timestamp,
:jti => "#{uniqueId}"
token = JWT.encode payload, "#{yourSecret}"
Install jsonwebtoken:
npm install jsonwebtoken --save-dev
Then, generate a token using the shared secret:
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var payload = {
name: '#{customerName}',
email: '#{customerEmail}',
iat: #{timestamp},
jti: '#{uniqueId}'
var token = jwt.sign(payload, '#{yourSecret}');
Install python-jose:
pip install python-jose
Generate a token using the shared secret:
from jose import jwt
var payload = {
'name': '#{customerName}',
'email': '#{customerEmail}',
'iat': #{timestamp},
'jti': '#{uniqueId}'
token = jwt.encode(payload, '#{yourSecret}'
Download PHP-JWT:
composer require firebase/php-jwt
Generate a token using the shared secret:
use \Firebase\JWT\JWT;
$payload = {
'name' => '#{customerName}' ,
'email' => '#{customerEmail}',
'iat' => #{timestamp},
'jti' => '#{uniqueId}'
$token = JWT::encode($payload, '#{yourSecret}');
Add `json_web_token_ex` to your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
[{:json_web_token, "~> 0.2"}]
Generate a token using the shared secret:
data = %{
name: "#{customerName}",
email: "#{customerEmail}",
iat: "#{timestamp}",
jti: "#{uniqueId}"
options = %{ key: "#{yourSecret}" }
jwt = JsonWebToken.sign data, options
I assume these bits of data should be passed on from the widget to the backend service, that will generate the JWT?
I have the following questions:
I noticed that you have already submitted a ticket regarding this concern. If you are still experiencing the same behavior, please continue to work with our support directly.
Hi Cas,
Normally, this feature is being utilized on websites requiring user authentication. You will then use the JWT to send the payload (name, email, iat and jti) that will be authenticated using the token that will be generated with the shared secret from Zendesk Admin Center.