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About the CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) user experience for email and messaging

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Elizabeth Williams

Zendesk Documentation Team

Edited Feb 24, 2025




Hey Anuj Singh!

There are many ways to set this up and ultimately how you do it would depend on how/when you want to send the initial CSAT survey and reminder.

An example of how you could do this:

1. Create an automation to send the initial CSAT survey 2 days after ticket is solved
2. Create a second automation to send the CSAT survey reminder 4 days after ticket is solved if a CSAT rating has not been provided by end-user for that ticket

Example automations:

Request CSAT from Customer automation

Conditions -- All

  • Ticket: Status IS Solved
  • Ticket: Hours since solved (calendar) Is 48
  • Ticket: Satisfaction IS Unoffered

Actions --

  • Notifications: Email user = (requester)
  • Email subject = <Whatever you want>
  • Email body = <Whatever you want>
  • Ticket: Satisfaction = offered to requester

CSAT Reminder automation

Conditions -- All

  • Ticket: Status IS Solved
  • Ticket: Hours since solved (calendar) Is 96
  • Ticket: Satisfaction IS Offered
  • Ticket: Tags contains none of the following csat-reminder-sent

Actions --

  • Notifications: Email user = (requester)
  • Email subject = <Whatever you want -- can be different than first time>
  • Email body = <Whatever you want -- can be different than first time>
  • Ticket: Add tags = csat-reminder-sent

The above setup should do the trick. You can of course add additional conditions to not send CSAT survey for certain tickets based on whatever makes sense for your situation.

The initial and reminder CSAT automations would both only run once with the above configuration. Once the Satisfaction is offered in the first automation it would never get set back to unoffered so that would only be able to activate once. And the second automation adds a tag which would prevent the CSAT reminder email from being sent a second time if the ticket were to be re-opened and then solved a second time after the CSAT reminder email was sent.

You could configure these automations differently if you want to re-send the initial CSAT email and/or reminder email. To re-send the reminder email upon re-solve you would just need to eliminate the tag condition and action from the reminder automation above. To re-send the initial CSAT survey upon re-solve you would need to also add a trigger which sets the Ticket: Satisfaction back to blank/null when Ticket: Status Changed from Solved and Ticket: Status Is Open and Current User Is (end-user)

That's a pretty detailed explanation but I may have missed something so I would suggest, like with any similar change, test and monitor the functionality once implemented. Other triggers or automations your Zendesk may have could introduce wrinkles that I can't account for or I may have just missed somethings as I think through this here. Good luck!


Hey Rich,

Thanks a lot for the explanation!.

Unfortunately, this is not working. I might have missed out on something to understand the explanation.

any other way to get it done?



I'm pretty sure this is false:

If you send a satisfaction survey before the ticket is solved, end users need to sign in to access it.

The trick is to add an action to set "satisfaction" to "offered" in the same trigger/automation when you request the survey. Then, they're allowed to respond to the survey without signing in.


We don't offer CSAT surveys for phone calls if they are one-touch tickets and there is never a reply sent to a customer. Occassionally an agent will have a great customer service experience on a phone call and we would like to offer the agent the ability to offer the csat survey after the ticket is solved. Is there a way to allow agents that ability?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Good question Rich! I'd suggest leveraging the "Meet ANY" condition in your CSAT automation to achieve this. In this example, I am assuming you are starting with the default CSAT automation.

First, remove the "Ticket: Privacy, Ticket has public comments" condition from under "Meet ALL" in your CSAT automation if it is present. Then, add "Ticket: Tags, Contains at least one of the following, phone_csat" and "Ticket: Privacy, Ticket has public comments" as conditions under "Meet ANY." 

At least one "Meet ANY" condition must be met in order for an automation to fire, so these updates will allow the automation to run when a ticket either has public comments, or an agent has added the phone_csat tag before the automation runs. That way, an agent just needs to tag the ticket for a customer to receive a survey after a phone call. 

Hope this helps!


How do I publish the csat general score across the company or embed it on a web page? I believe I saw an option that requires at least 100 responses in order to do it but I cannot find it anymore.



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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Ronald!
You can follow the tips outlined in the article Displaying satisfaction ratings and overall score in your help center to display your CSAT rating on your Help Center page.



Is there a way to see the "comments" beyond seven days? We would like to chart the comments to help our CS dept. Currently, we see "with comment" for seven days and cannot go back a few months or month by month. Is there a way to set this up? We have the Suite Growth Plan, thanks!


How do we require that customers leave a comment if they leave a a Bad CSAT rating? 
It is useless to us when customers rate us "Bad" with no further information. 



I'd like to know how we can disable/stop automated emails from rating tickets. For example, if we receive an automated response, we immediately mark it as Solved. And now we've received a Bad Rating as a result of it? How can we dispute or avoid that, given that it was an automated response, which is why we closed it in the first place?


Your assistance will be highly appreciated!

Thank you,



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Zendesk Engineering

Kelly 😇,

Based on the screenshot you have provided, it seems that you are currently using views. What I can suggest is check the conditions of that specific view to determine what are the condition that needs to be adjusted. I'm thinking that it has a condition "Hours since last Update" that has been set to less than 7 days.


It's possible that the sender of the automated email has a virus-checker that checks links included on all emails received. Since customer satisfaction (CSAT) ratings store the last rating link clicked, a script that clicks every link will register as a bad satisfaction response. More information can be found here

It can be avoided if the survey for such tickets will be disabled. This can be performed by the use of tags and macros. Design a macro that will solve out similar tickets and will add a tag to it. This tag will the be used in the survey automation so that it will not fire if this specific tag is present. 


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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Aleksandar Salevski,

The native survey for Zendesk is either a good or bad rating. As it turns out, there's no built in feature yet to modify it.

However, you can check our Marketplace for similar third party apps that has the capability.


I have added a column within "views" for Satisfaction Feedback, but how do I display the customer comments in this column??


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Kenneth Morris

Zendesk Luminary

Hello ZD

Can you see if there is a way to offer a 'value' to customer to click of what made them happy/select Good for CSAT?
Trying to see if we can measure that as well on a ticket. Hopeful to do something quick and simple like what we do with bad satisfaction ticket reasons.


Lee Ryall

Instead of Satisfaction Feedback, would Satisfaction Reason help you better? I've been digging a bit on my end and it doesn't seem to allow you to display the free text feedback from the customer, but will show you which of the feedback options they chose. Since there's only a follow up question for bad ratings, all good ratings will just say "No reason provided".


Mods, please redact this if this is not allowed, but I was able to implement SimpleSAT recently as a temporary solution to this until there are more comprehensive tools natively available in ZD. Easy to implement and was also very inexpensive.





Hi Bryan Pascual,

Thanks for looking into that, I have tried this option and it seems to be the best option available.



Lee Ryall


No problem at all. I did a lot of digging on NPS and stumbled upon the missing functionality that you're looking for as well. Glad I could help. Not sponsored by SimpleSAT or anything, just sharing my experiences when shopping around from something that would integrate well with ZD with an easy to swallow price tag.


Appreciate it Bryan Pascual


Some of my customers are reporting that when trying to leave a satisfaction rating from a mobile phone email reply they are receiving error messages. Are you aware of any limitations using the standard placeholders, {{satisfaction.rating_section}}, with mobile platforms?


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Gustavo Oliveira

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Camilo,
The CSAT placeholder works on mobile platforms indeed.

I am creating a proactive ticket so we can discuss the issue.
Best regards,


Hi RichL

With reference to the first question that Anuj Singh asked you on CSAT reminders, how do we configure the CSAT settings such at only those who have not rated gets the reminder survey? This is to avoid duplicates as customers who have rated us the first time may rate us again the second time when they get the reminder.




Is there a way to access a list of the comments so we may work on improving with guidance from the "bad" review and share the 'good' reviews? Thanks!! 


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Kelly,

You can view all the rating comments in explore. Please check this article for more information: Explore recipe: Bad ratings with comments




tl;dr: Can a single customer on a single ticket impact an agent's score negatively twice?

Example: A ticket is closed and the customer provides negative feedback. Then the ticket is re-opened, handled, and closed once again - is the same ticket again subject to another customer satisfaction feedback. If so, will two negative responses impact the agent's survey score as though they are two separate surveys instead of simply changing the original survey response?


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Kevin,

CSAT ratings can only be applied once to a single ticket. So if an agent gets negative feedback, it would count only once towards their overall CSAT score.
It's worth mentioning that if a follow up ticket was created from a previous ticket, then the user would have the option to leave another rating. 
Hope this clears up any confusion!


How can an end user rate CSAT directly from the email message? using the native zendesk survey, with somthing like the agent signature maybe? 


Hi everyone!
In the "Understanding the end user experience " section , it's mentioned that "You can also add the survey request in the email that customers receive when an agent marks a ticket as solved. " So, how can I set this approach? to add the csat survey request in the same email the customer receives from an agent.
and what are the downsides of using it?


Another question, 
"If you send a satisfaction survey before the ticket is solved, end users need to sign in to access it." 
so is it possible to rate/send the satisfaction survey without requiring the end users to sign in/log in to finish the survey? if so , what are the steps to do it?


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Kenneth Morris

Zendesk Luminary

I asked this question to ZD 2 months ago.

Can you see if there is a way to offer a 'value' to customer to click of what made them happy/select Good for CSAT?
Trying to see if we can measure that as well on a ticket. Hopeful to do something quick and simple like what we do with bad satisfaction ticket reasons.



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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Yasmin,
To add the survey directly on email, you can use the placeholders for Satisfaction Ratings.

Unfortunately, the ticket needs to be solved in order for the user to answer the survey directly without logging in.
Hi Ken,
As it turns out, we don't have a native way to add those details on good surveys. However, you browse through our Marketplace for available third party apps. In addition, you can also check Using SurveyMonkey and Zapier to pull custom survey data into tickets.


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